SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

America gotta wake the fuck up. This shit’s beatable.

R0 was 2.47 in the Czech Republic before the lockdown started 2 weeks ago. Now it’s 1.4. That’s about a 44% decrease in just 2 weeks. We’re not below 1 yet but we’re hopefully getting there.


Wait what?

This RZ Mask place seem legit and not a rip off? They’ve got some Large in stock, so I think I’ll order one.

I do have one lone disposable construction mask in my basement. It’s a damp basement, so I’d probably want to wash it rather than just stick it to my dumb face. Washing and wearing it is probably better than nothing.

It’s your pick.

Lol, i thought you were calling me an asshole for my use of knuckles and tappy card. Alright ill pick shortly.


My god, what is she supposed to do? Hide in the back of a semi with a semiautomatic to ambush the feds who seize a shipment?

Edit: obv my pony was seized by the feds and sold to the highest bidder

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Did an errand run today. Bank, 2 grocery stores and the liquor store. Very few people anywhere, lots of distance being maintained, quite a few masks being worn.

The grocery store in the good neighborhood had bare shelves everywhere you’d expect, while the bad neighborhood store had plenty of staples including eggs, which is what I was looking for most. Panic hoarding is a privilege reserved for the well-off.

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Shouldn’t Weinstein be dead by now?

One of my sister’s good friends just got taken off ventilator last night. He was in his fifties or sixties. Underlying respiratory complications. Infected spinal fluid. They don’t know if he had COVID, and the way things are going, we might never know if this was preexisting, comorbid, or a direct effect. I only met him a couple of times but am sad in that way things become sad once they are personal :(


Hit 3k this morning, was 3200 at 11:30 and 2 hours later it’s 3428.

3,538 10 minutes later.

US’ coronavirus death toll surpasses China’s

The United States’ death toll from coronavirus is now higher than that of China’s, according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University. The US has reported 3,415 deaths, while in China, where the virus originated, the number stands at 3,309.

It comes as the country’s leading infectious disease expert says there is a “reasonably good chance” the US will face a second wave of coronavirus later this year.

Dr Anthony Fauci, from the National Institutes of Health, said a second wave was likely “given the pervasiveness of this infection and its transmissibility”. But if a second wave does happen, the US “will be much, much better prepared”, he added.

The US would have better medical equipment and anti-viral drugs and a vaccine may be available by the time a second outbreak occurs, Dr Fauci said in an interview with CNN on Tuesday.

On Sunday, Dr Fauci predicted the coronavirus pandemic could kill up to 200,000 Americans.

The USA#1 has 165,874 confirmed cases of coronavirus, the highest number in the world, figures from Johns Hopkins University showed.

where do you see this? i see 3455 on onepoint3acres site and lower on worldometer

Hospitals Tell Doctors They’ll Be Fired If They Talk To Press

Seems to be errand day around Wayne and KOP, PA

Stop 1 UPS store. Low traffic (just me and clerk). Gloves no mask. Set package on scale and stepped back behind their tape line. Moved forward only to pay. Touched pen for pad only. Tossed gloves and then hand sanitizer.

Stop 2 Wegmans. Me sanding mask and gloves. Wiped down cart with provided wipes. most wearing gloves. Saw 1 guy N95 mask but no gloves and only a couple of cloth masks. Masks maybe 10%. Bagged all my own loose veggies. Lots of TP but some brand Royale which must be from Quebec as in both French and English. We are ok so left for others. They have a floor taped system. Empty your cart at the far end and push cart forward. Stay near the end until the clerk calls you up to pay. Clerk steps back while you pay. Then you grab your cart and she comes back up.

Stop 3 Acme. I want oatmeal cookie mix to make oatmeal scotchies. Virus be damned. Pretty much a chaotic shitshow. Social distancing poor all over the place. No damn cookie mix. Cost me a pair of gloves for nada.

Home. Wash hands. Regular stuff set aside. If anything needed then will grab from bag, use, and wash hands until a day passes.Veggies for dinner tonight will be opened cleaned and cooked. Washed hands, keys and cellphone (Lysol). Hopefully we have stuff on handbto make our own oatmeal cookies. I did get the butterscotch chips.

Cliffs- gloves common but no universal. Masks rare. Stores can set the tone on social d. Viva la papier du toliette (guess at French)

France’s deaths rise by 499 in 24 hours

France has recorded 499 new hospital deaths from coronavirus in the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 3,523, its director of health has said. This is the highest daily rise in such deaths since the outbreak began.

Health agency director Jérôme Salomon told a news conference that the number of cases had risen to 52,128 from 44,550 in the same period.

He said a total of 5,565 patients had been placed in intensive case, a rise of 588 in 24 hours.

France is one of five countries, including the US, China, Italy and Spain, to have surpassed the threshold of 3,000 deaths.

France is not yet counting deaths outside hospitals, so the total number of deaths could potentially be higher.

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6hrs earier…

Europe sends Iran medical supplies

Covid-19 has claimed at least 2,898 lives in Iran since mid-FebruaryI

France, Germany and the UK have sent medical supplies to Iran in the first transaction conducted under the Instex financial mechanism set up to get around US economic sanctions.

A German foreign ministry statement did not say whether the supplies were related to the coronavirus pandemic, which has infected more than 44,600 people in the Islamic Republic and claimed 2,898 lives.

Earlier this month, the European powers said they would be sending Iran laboratory testing equipment, protective body suits and gloves to help fight Covid-19, and also be offering it a €5m ($5.5m; £4.5m) aid package.

They hope Instex will provide “a sustainable, long-term solution for legitimate trade” to help preserve the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which is close to collapse because of the sanctions the US reinstated when it abandoned the accord two years ago.

Iran has called for the sanctions to be lifted or ignored by the international community to help it to combat the pandemic.

On Sunday, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif accused the Trump administration of engaging in “medical terror” amid the crisis.

“Stop lying,” responded state department spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus on Monday. “It’s not the sanctions. It’s the regime.”

I did decide to get my emissions tested last week. I told myself that if they didn’t look like they were taking precautions or they tell me they won’t, I’d just leave. Ended up at a Jiffy Lube. I got out of my car well before the technician approached and I kept my distance. They all had gloves on. He took it from there - I didn’t have to be in the car. Everyone was very nice.

The only time I had to get within six feet was when I went to pay. I just kept my head turned slightly so there wasn’t a direct line of spittle. We chatted a minute and he even gave me hand sanitizer. I wiped my car down when I got in. I feel pretty good about it.

Did a couple grocery runs last Thursday, too. Publix took no precautions except for wiping down carts. Aldi had signs up to tell people to distance. I did notice that the cashier used hand sanitizer after our transaction. Again, if I had to be close to someone, I just angled to keep the risk down. I wore gloves both trips and discarded them before reaching my car.