SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Haha, fair point. Haven’t owned one in a while. Once or twice a year I’ll get a cold for 24-48 hours. After some medicine and a lot of sleep, it’s better.

The wife did order one 2-3 weeks ago off Amazon, but it was too late – the expected arrival date is like May. LOL.

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Apparently take hostages or something.

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Happened to turn on the Cuomo presser shortly after reading this and he was talking about his brother and mom for a few minutes. What a breath of fresh air to hear an elected official speak humanely and empathetically, and more importantly, in a way that translated his (and his brother’s) personal situation into tips for the general public.


Latest tracking stats

Note: US deaths on chart at 2k, now 3k which unfortunately puts US just above Italy 30 days into the war

Cuomo blowbang is really triggering me. He’s a turd and doesn’t deserve praise for displaying human emotion and the ability to string together a coherent sentence.

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I’ve heard some people suggest that being a single Senator from the NorthEast not part of a majority party failing to enact broad legislation was disqualifying.


It seems like NYC is going to need a Wuhan style response or just accept that this is sweeping through in one wave and they will have a massive CFR due to the system completely breaking down. Of course, if they try to lock down Wuhan style millions will flee the city and increase the transmission rate all over the Northeast (at the least).

I hate reading shit about how getting people to wear masks is culturally impossible. Fuck that.

Wear your masks dammit! Shit like this flattens the curve

I mean we’re not gonna return to normalcy any time soon but strict adherence to mask wearing and social distancing combined with socially shaming people who don’t is the way to go.

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I’m no doctor, but the aches and fairly short duration are a bit more indicative of influenza than the rona. Glad you’re feeling better, but I would still be cautious, as it may not be over and done for you.

It’s that perfect time of the year where I don’t know if my stuffiness and breathing issues are allergies or COVID. Assuming it’s typical allergies now that everything is blooming.

This is a strawman but it’s not even a good one. Failing to pass broadly appealing legislation over a 30 year career, at times caucusing with the majority in a semifunctional Senate is nowhere near the same thing as failing to fight a single policy from the minority with a legislative graveyard when the majority gleefully supports fucking over blue states.

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Of the 40 or so people out on my last grocery run, I was the only one wearing a mask. And i was getting the stare downs as though I was the only one wearing a mask.

No regerts though. I wear it now before any interaction with anyone outside my household.


In other news, Bank robberies have skyrocketed in the Czech Republic.

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Yeah I cracked that joke when this first started. Like it’d be amazing to be a thief now.

But hey when self-employed workers are getting 25,000 crowns per month from the government due to the coronavirus, people might not need to steal much to survive. Hell, there’s toilet paper on the shelves here!

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Are you wearing a surgical mask or a respirator?

I plan to go out tomorrow for the first time in weeks to the pharmacy, grocery store, and post office and I’m debating between a surgical mask or my RZ mask. The infection rate appears fairly low in my area, but who knows really? (About 5% of people tested in NH so far have tested positive. I think this probably means that the infected population is much lower than that.)

Just a surgical mask, but im keeping my distance. Skipping aisles if they are full of people and going back to them, keeping to the far side when passing. Self checkout using my knucks and tappy card so I dont have to insert anything or touch the pad much

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How about inserting yourself into the asshole draft?

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We need a control group that does zero social distancing, quarantining, locking down so we can see how much that stuff helps.

The Villages should be that group. They can sacrifice so we know how much lockdowns are needed and get our economy back roaring and over 25k again soon!