SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Interesting site that shows the date each state shut things down, and tries to model when the peak bed/icu/ventilator needs will be, along with peak deaths per day.

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I realize that either is questionable (at best) to improve outcomes, but if you’re going to try something why not hydroxychloroquine instead of chloroquine?

I made a Walmart run. Bountiful supply of sanitizing wipes at the cart corral. The cashier at self checkout sanitized everything a customer might have possibly touched after every person. Obv no toilet paper, but there was a single package of flushables LOLOLOL.

I also made a run through the nearby gas station in the morning. Everyone in line maintained at least six feet from each other LOL. I felt so proud of my neighbors. Cashier has a sanitizing foam dispenser on the counter for everyone to use before they touch the card reader. Nice place.


But did you find any sanitizing wipes to purchase? I haven’t seen any in weeks.

Too many people don’t get it or are too self-centered to care.

No, none. Sorry to say.

The only upside to this whole thing is my friends and I, scattered across the nation, have managed to find a way to play Pan for real money:


Damn, non of the grocery pick up options seem to be allowing raw meat - is this because the hoarders have cleaned them out? Fuck.

Your friend has a potty mouth

Those dumb motherfuckers.

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Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was booked on misdemeanor charges of unlawful assembly and violation of public health rules after flouting social distancing orders at The River at Tampa Bay church.


Police need to start cracking some skulls.

In churches.

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people they know won’t get through to them, has to be them literally, maybe one of their immediately family

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pony but I’m sure California getting broken ventilators and Illinois getting the wrong masks is just a standard mistake and was not in any way intentional.

Sure The Villages are getting perfect care though. No way intentional

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How long until nurses / doctors start quitting?

Most nurses won’t quit. Nursing is still a calling and most of them are like my sister who I know will put her patients over her own safety. She will complain and threaten to quit but never actually quit which is why I am pretty worried and hope Holland doesnt become as bad as Italy and Spain.


Yeah I’ve got a Facebook nurse friend that just had a baby. She’s isolating herself until this shit is over. I have so much respect for her, and sent her my wishes.

Hippocratic oath man