SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

1 in 7 Spaniards has it? Holy shit.


Not only is that a blatant falsehood, the virus is spread at a higher rate by those who don’t yet have symptoms.

WELP. Glgl. They won’t say how many employees.

I don’t get why they just don’t simply say, we don’t have tests for those without symptoms because we don’t have enough tests for everyone. Instead you find out your doctor is a total moron. There’s a lot more of those out there than competent ones sadly.

Anecdotal WAAF evidence: Girlfriend’s hospital has had 6 presumed covid patients die in her last couple shifts. They were either untested or tests pending. None are being counted in my state’s official stats (MD).


Yikes! 14 people dead in the CR from coronavirus today. That’s three more in one day than the amount of deaths since the virus was first detected here. This is likely related to its recent spread through several retirement homes in Prague.

Seven people also left the hospital recovered from coronavirus which brings that total to 23.

So yeah pretty eventful day for coronavirus in the CR compared to recent days.

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The Staten Island Trumpkin nurses are on FB asking everyone to beg State and Federal agencies for more PPE for nurses.

You hate to see it.

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And some of those patients will also happen to have corona and spread it to everyone else on the boat. But at least it’s more beds so it’s something.

You don’t think they will test every person getting put on that boat? Seems like a no brainer, so the obvious answer is probably lol no.

Or the really sick people go to the hospital and stop taking their temperature at home or most likely both.

Still, there are going to be false negatives. So even with testing, some coronavirus is bound to get on there.

Only way to be sure would be to quarantine before getting on the boat. Of course, that really isn’t an option given the purpose of the boat.

Even if everyone gets a test, and even if the tests are perfect (they aren’t) the results take time to process, so some folks will be admitted before the + results come back. I’m sure they’ll do their best to not admit people with fevers and shortness of breath, but what about a young asymptomatic person in a motor vehicle accident?

Tell them to stop stealing masks and selling them on the black market


So by the end of the week the FBI will be pouring over millions of hours of hospital footage to find some janitor taking home a couple masks.

So…were you paying her to stay home? Turns out Karma is real.

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The only way to get through to Republicans:

Mr. Trump also said he now knew people who had been hospitalized because of the coronavirus, without naming them, and seemed almost shocked that his own associates had been affected. “In one case, he’s unconscious in a coma and you say: How did that happen?” Mr. Trump said on Monday.

There’s a weird fluctuation going on with the daily death rate. It could be we’re finally near an inflection point, but far too soon to say. Still no deviation whatsoever on the log plot. 10k dead within a week even if the battleship is turning.


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The next two days will tell us a lot about the trend. likely a wonky point in there.

I suspect that there is some impact of social distancing at play, but we have places like Florida that have the potential to zoom past New York

And of course, a slightly lower rate in NY just pushes the break point back a couple of days— the point where the system falls apart and deaths occur because of the system limits- seems like some hospitals are there already?

Not discussed is keeping people at home who in normal times would be at the hospital before they crash. How many are dying because of that policy to save beds for the most dire?

Made a couple of store runs today (walmart and a local produce store, near northern border of Chicago) and it was pretty busy in both. The local produce store had about half the customers in there wearing masks (lots of foreigners go here) and all the employees had gloves and masks on. There was also tape on the floor by all the registers in the Walmart and produce store marking 6 foot intervals. The Home Depot nearby has an employee at the door with a counter and they only let a certain number of customers in the store at a time. It seems like enough people are taking it seriously where it hopefully slows the curve down a little.

Too many selfish idiots. WAAF

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