SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Did you even read the article?


I acknowledge you’re smarter than me, so I allow for poor reading comprehension on my part.

Then why wouldn’t New Orleans show this same artificial lowering, since I imagine that everyone living there is now scared as fuck.

The article said it did, but that there was a warm region elsewhere in Louisiana.

I’m not saying “all is well,” just that this data, if reliable, suggests that what we’re doing is seemingly beginning to help.

I can’t access the article so don’t know what it says, but I have been following that thermometer map for a while now. Even in states that only recently were locked down, you could see gradual steady improvements earlier on. I believe that was due to at least some people taking things seriously prior to lock downs. After lock downs, the improvements are even faster.

This graph is plotting observed illness against expected illness. (I assume the expected illness curve represents average annual illness at this time of year?) You can see the measures are having a very positive effect on normal colds and flu.


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We know for sure some people test positive despite never showing symptoms. We don’t know if everyone who is infected builds up a viral load big enough for our tests to detect. We also don’t know if such hypothetical people would be contagious to others.

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That would be me sharing stuff like that on FB, instead of here where it can get shredded.


Meanwhile, over at Disboards, people many people are just convinced that they’re still going on their end of May beginning of June trips to Disney World.


The state of NSW, which has by far the worst COVID-19 outbreak in the country, has made it illegal to leave your house without a reasonable excuse. Offenders can be jailed for 6 months.

The NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement Order 2020) makes it unlawful to leave your place of residence except “to obtain food or other goods and services”, work and education that cannot be done from home, exercise, medical or caring reasons, and a limited number of other reasons.

It also bans gatherings of more than two people in public places, unless those people are members of the same household, or the gatherings are “essential for work or education”. Unlike the order in Victoria, the NSW order does not appear to explicitly ban gatherings in people’s residences.

Under the Public Health Act, individuals can be fined up to $11,000 or sent to prison for six months - or both - for breaching these ministerial directives. They can also be fined another $5500 for each day the offence continues.

Corporations that fail to comply are liable for a $55,000 initial fine and $27,500 for each day the offence continues.

A total of 16 “excuses” for leaving the home are contained in Schedule 1 of the order, including to attend weddings and funerals, which are limited to five and 10 people respectively. Other “excuses” include moving house, donating blood, undertaking legal obligations and accessing public services such as Centrelink and domestic violence services.

Furthermore, contact between parents and children or siblings who do not live together will also be regarded as a reasonable excuse. Priests and other ministers will still be allowed to go to their place of worship or provide pastoral care.

The order specifically states: “Taking a holiday in a regional area is not a reasonable excuse.”

Solid read.


NSW is now having a big issue with backpackers. They all lost their jobs, got kicked out of their hostels and don’t have the money to go home even if there are flights to begin with. Their home countries have more urgent issues to deal with and they are not entitled to any of the Australian support measures. They should have left for home weeks ago but now Australia needs to do something for them as they now account for a lot of the community spread in Sydney. First mobile fast testing was setup in Bondi just to see how bad it is among the many backpackers there. Hope they start putting them up in hotels.

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The other more likely conclusion is that people who arent sick are taking their temps more.

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This graph would seem to be difficult to normalize for frequency of temperatures taken, and I wouldn’t be surprised if more people are taking their temperatures and those of their kids much more often these days than a typical year when there are no visible symptoms.

So if the whole thing is a hoax to hurt Trump’s reelection, is the whole world conspiring? South Wales making it illegal to leave your house because they hate Trump?

I am really struggling to wrap my head around how many people will die from this. Conservative estimates put infection rates at 160 million or more. If the death rate is only 1%, that’s still 1.5 million people DED. If that’s half a percent, that’s still almost 1 million dead. If it’s half of half a percent, that’s still almost half a million people dead!!!

Then we look at places like NY with a current mortality rate not of half of half a percent, not even 1%, but 1.8%.

Excuse me for going on. I have limited my access to this thread and I guess this is why. It blows my mind what we are looking at and how many people are still gazing at clouds, wondering why some people feel a tad concerned.

One of my Fox-News-watching in-laws said who cares? This many people die from car crashes, this many people die from the flu. Why is this any different? I didn’t say anything, but I wanted to scream JFC, how can you be so heartless?

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My cleaning lady’s husband just tested positive. He works at the hospital. Apparently he’s doing OK so far, and they gave him an O2 meter so he can monitor his condition. He’s quarantined at home.

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Something tells me we’re gonna find out he’s heavy into chelation therapy, bleach infusions, and coffee enemas.

michigan here

First person I know told us on FB he and his wife have it. He’s 65+ and a tax preparer.

Im guessing he got it from clients.

Doesn’t look good for him :(

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New study out today from Imperial College.


They also estimate R0 of about 4 which drops to about 1.4 after social distancing measures. (There are differences between countries with some doing better than others.)

If we can drive R0 down to around 1 and warmer temperatures also have even a small positive effect it could really help.

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Nit: R0 is a property of the virus assuming no distancing. Reducing transmission reduces Re(ffective).

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