SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Don’t think you understand most of them only have staff left on board and were never intending to stop in Sydney.

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I’d be a lot more worried about Sweden based on climate and pop. density.

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When CNN mentions South Korea per capita testing is 5x the US they really need to add that we have 16x more confirmed cases making the problem of lack of testing that much worse.

OMG CNN chyrons what are you doing now

“Dr. Fauci expects coronavirus to return in the fall”

MFer CNN it hasn’t left yet what the fuck? It’s still building. It might never go away. All these “when coronavirus ends” takes need to end.

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Oh shit Prince Charles out of 7 days of isolation… Don’t infect Scotland even more please Charles.

Given the administration’s track record thus far on testing and quarantining, this will go swimmingly for about 15-21 days, at which point the USNS Coronavirus will make people long for an infected cruise ship.

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Are old people less likely to be asymptomatic ?

wouldn’t it have made more sense to test baristas ?

Shouldn’t they have tested in an epicenter ?

Still 0 for 600 kinda destroys @microbet theory.

What are the odds the USNS Comfort becomes such a floating coronavirus-ridden mess that we have to scuttle it in the Hudson, and parents bring their kids to the site in 50 years to show them the sunken ship?

“Kids, here’s the ship we had to sink because Donald Trump was a fucking moron.”

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This is just another factor that will alter the hopefully defunct cruise industry.

All of them dodging taxes and responsibility by registering in little countries are reaping what the sow in a crisis. Obviously I feel for the passengers on board but I don’t blame countries for turning cruise ships away on March freaking 30th.

just don’t be the reason jude law makes $4 million off of forsythia.


We’re already in the hallway ICU phase and a week away from using the Javits Center (actually really close to the dock), so I’m gonna say never.

Governor of Virginia closing state to non essential employees until June 10th. He was a neurosurgeon so he knows his shit. Anyone thinking this will be a 2-3 week event needs to pull their head out of their ass.

Oh yeah BIG CHLOROQUINE is just salivating over this. $0.20 a dose, get paid homies

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So you’re saying the whole using the Comfort for non-COVID-19 patients thing isn’t going to last long?

The Javitz Center is near Pier 78 right? Midtown West along the Hudson?

I’m saying no one is going to care if people are getting infected at hospitals, that’s just the way it is.

The Javits Center is indeed about 10 blocks from the apparent dock.

My local health department just posted a memo signed my a doctor, basically telling everyone you’re not getting tested unless you need hospitalized. And included this:

“The test is wasted if testing someone with no symptoms. Why, because even if they were exposed, they would not have a detectable viral load, which is the amount of virus circulating in the blood stream. So the test would come out negative.”

This is a blatant falsehood, right?

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Yep. At least 20% of those who are infected never get symptoms.

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Now at 62 in Glendale. Fourth hardest-hit community in SoCal, and that’s including San Diego and Long Beach which are both huge compared to Glendale.

An analysis of digital thermometer readings is suggesting that social distancing is leading to an overall lowering of fevers across most regions in the US.

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Based on no evidence, I suspect that has more to do with asymptomatic people taking their temp because lockdowns make them nervous. I mean, dramatic results after 2 days of lockdown?