SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

More than half of Swedes live on their own.

Seems like a pretty optimistic model. I hope it’s right.

After this I don’t ever want to see a stadium full of people stand up and cheer for a soldier or cop if there isn’t a nurse by their side getting just as much adoration. We better be honoring them left and right.


Very similar experience where I am north of Toronto. But we actually got toilet paper yesterday! Our grocery store implemented a limit of 2 items per family on a bunch of stuff, seems to have helped.

The police never cease to amaze. In Duluth, MN, Dr. Sarosh Ashraf Janjua, a cardiologist working in a coronavirus quarantine unit, was pulled over for speeding. As if she isn’t dealing with enough. And what did this cop do???

He noticed she was reusing N95 masks, so instead of a ticket he returned with the five he had been given to protect himself, and gave them to her.

Not the direction you thought that was going, right? Kudos to this guy.


You can get toilet paper online. You just need to constantly refresh amazon and at all hours of the day starting at like 5 am. It pops in and out of inventory for shipment. I was able to order an 18 pack for my mother that way. Also, even if Amazon says it’s out of stock, click through to the purchase page. Often it says out of stock but lets you order it.

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I looked at toilet paper on Amazon that had prime. Seems like the grifters are still in stock lol. Two of the top results

Yes I was and still am

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I don’t and have never gotten rich people (from what I recall you’re doing better than me, and I consider myself pretty well off so no offense at the rich comment) who are cheap about stuff like this. I don’t have a cleaning lady, but if I did I’d for sure be paying her to stay home in the middle of this. A lot of people don’t realize just how much loyalty/gratitude you buy by being a decent human being in times of need. Those people have never been poor I suspect.

Speaking from extremely limited experience (because the rich people in my life when I was poor were car dealership owners, Charter Communications, and other assorted scumbags) there are few opportunities to make someone love you as great as just giving someone a little bit of help at a difficult moment. I still vividly remember every single time someone helped me out even a little in my late teens and early 20’s… and now that I’m older and significantly richer I realize just how little it cost the people who did those things for me, and I can’t comprehend how that wouldn’t be a deal you’d snap take at every single opportunity. It’s just a crazy amount of almost free value.

To be clear your cleaning lady is going to consider you some kind of saint 5-10 years from now. It cost you what? 2 grand? Maybe? You’ll get that back by her not asking for a rate increase for the next few years. You can re-up that gratitude by being the one who raises her rate in a year or two lol.

Not trying to diminish your huge karmic win of not getting exposed in any way. I’m just pointing out that people pass on a huge number of opportunities to do the right thing in a small but very demonstrative way almost every day… and a huge part of getting the people who work for you to care about you and your goals (which itself is required for getting them to do their jobs any kind of well instead of the bare minimum to not get fired) is making them feel like you care about them. The easiest way to do that is to actually care about them, and if you care about them you don’t cheap out in spots like this.


Hard to think Florida is going to be that mild.

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If you are a Costco member, check out the business center website:

Much smaller selection than regular Costco, but toilet paper is often available. I also got yeast from them, and a huge variety pack of sugary cereals as treats for the kids.

My victory of the AM was getting an Instacart order in for regular Costco. It won’t get delivered until Saturday, but it’s nice to know we’ve got a replenishment coming.

Am I a nutjob for thinking Fauci and Birx are estimating 100-200k dead as a way of allowing Trump to claim he did an amazing job when only like 10-50k end up dying?

Yes, you are a nut job for thinking only 50k will die

And 10k will be hit in a few days.


But not a nutjob for thinking that only 50k will be reported as dying.



“2M would have died under the DoNothingDems”


We will definitely undercount, but they can’t keep it down to 50k; that ship has sailed

Exactly. Saying it will be under 50K is an insult to all the nurse and doctors dealing with this. We all know if it was up to Trump, it would be a big beautiful zero. But it’s not up to Trump.

I get this whole WAAF attitude and it’s true but c’mon. The US is already starting to push 200K cases. It IS getting documented, whether Donny Dum Dum likes it or not.

UK numbers about to get real.

393 more deaths in UK

A further 393 people with coronavirus have died in the UK in the past day - the biggest daily total so far.

A total of 1,801 people have now died with the virus across the UK, including 367 more in England, 13 in Scotland, seven in Wales and six in Northern Ireland.

Fairly sure I heard the number to be 353 in last 24 hrs + 40 dead before 20 March (found dead out of hospitals - Home / nursing home)

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