SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

ICUs are at capacity and they haven’t even done a shelter in place order? Ummm that sounds really bad

This is interesting. The estimates for both MA and NH have improved dramatically (i.e. - dates pushed out much further) since the last time I looked at it a few days ago. But if the modeling is just based on current testing, I’m not sure how much actual value it has outside of maybe NYC.

The Governor is a Trumpy, so he doesn’t like “overreach.” Leaving it up to cities and counties. Some cities and counties have done the right thing.

Thing is, they are almost at capacity 24-7-365.

I’m not surprised. People REALLY don’t want the economy to shut down. They hate how Fauci is telling people not to be in groups.

It’s like when there’s a tornado warning during a football game and the metrologist interrupts coverage to warn people of immediate danger and 99% are angry.

Until dead bodies are stacking up in neighborhoods, people will like Trump saying we need the economy back. It’s easier to open the economy than it is to shut everything down for the sake of people’s lives. Americans will always take the easy path when possible.


Atlanta is different from Cobb County (which is suburban). The mayor of Atlanta gave a SIP order once the Trumpy governor didn’t last night.

Without a full story and quotes it’s difficult to tell what the mayor means. It’s possible she means ICUs are at capacity in a more general sense, I suppose. If they’re actually already at capacity, it’s very not good.

The prediction map said Georgia had until the 2nd week of April to take action or risk hospitals going over capacity. Woops. Looks like if states are not testing the data is shit. Who would have guessed that?


From the twitter replies.

Add every city in a state that is barely testing to the list, most likely.

This is a good point. Southern states have worse institutional support than northern and western states, by far. I mean, republicans in Atlanta have been pushing to defend/close the main public hospital here for years. And it’s only the fact that Atlanta is a blue dot that it hasn’t happened.

The small cities across the south have faced the brunt of the erosion of government support of their institutions for years. Whether it’s social safety net, public services, hospital consolidation, etc–if COVID hits these areas hard, it will be really bad.

Northside probably just full with people having babies.

I’ve been reading here for a while, but I wanted to chime in on the shitshow that is a lot of South Carolina. I work in a factory in a super rural town, and our plant manager has apparently decided that unless the government forces him, we will not be shutting down.

We have people showing up with fevers because they’re scared to miss work and get in trouble. We have a guy whose grandma they suspect has it but they didn’t want to test her. They told her to self-isolate and come back if she got worse.

We had a bullcrap email read aloud by the plant manager telling us to practice social distancing “when possible.” …except the production lines have workers shoulder to shoulder. It’s horrifying.


I’m still hunkering down in the Corn islands (Nicaragua), they shut down the bars, but so far so good here! Beaches are mostly empty compared to a week ago. The only person I come intact with is the grocery store owner.


Good example of the degree to which the south is ridiculously vulnerable for this institutionally. The red governors doing trump’s bidding are just the start.

In the Pony Olympics, the race is never over, and Dom always wins.


The fact the market shot up today has me feeling somewhat hopeful one of Trump’s lackeys can get in his ear and say “economy is okay with a 1 month shelter in place. We good, you great”

Especially if they have big international hub airports. Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, I’m looking at you…

For those wondering, “CHOA” is Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.

so it wouldnt be likely to have covid patients until shit is full everywhere else?

Is the old dude still selling empanadas and banana bread? Might have been something else he sold. They run together. Nicest guy.

Dive shops are closed I take it?