SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Why does Apple and Facebook have millions of masks in storage? I’m so confused.


Poison gas attack?

Well we definetly know it’s not because they think their farts smell.

Eh I don’t spend much time in the village, so I can’t really say! Dive shops are closed, most tourists have left but there’s still a few around. Everything is very quiet. Locals are still getting together, going to church and stuff. Nicaragua doesn’t really do any testing or anything, so people really have no idea if it’s actually getting bad or not. I think the govt says there’s 3 official cases lol

What part of the island are you in?

I stayed in that small hotel right across from the Church. OMG the worst caterwalling I’ve ever heard. One woman at night who thought she could sing. So fucking loud. It was destroying my eardrums across the “road”. I can’t imagine what it was like sitting in the church.

The expat forums in Leon and Granada are full of C19 rumors, and troops moving in, etc.

We did. The voters don’t like that.


I’m in the north part, little bungalow close to Yemaya resort. There’s one other couple in a bungalow also riding it out here.

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I noticed that and cheerfully assumed I was misreading the graph. Guess not :grimacing:

Yea I know which guesthouse your talking about. I stay far away from that church!

I used to go to FermPro in Kingstree SC to do toll manufacturing back in the 90s. Can attest things are quite lax. Plant safety regs were way behind anywhere else I went.

Pedestrian and car paths across railroad tracks with no safety devices. There was a story someone got splatted with their big hearing protection on.

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We are drawing live to 1918 and Democrats being blamed for the disaster.

I was firmly on board the CV will end Trump even if he handles it well lol, but the boat is shaky. It appears he might survive even if he does everything wrong. Im November if we have 20+% unemployment and the stock market at 15k and Trump wins, it really has to be time to get out.


Right on time.

OH absolutely. Our day to day protections are super lax, but the ones to deal with the virus are just ridiculous. They made little safety stations in like a handful of spots around a huuuuuge facility. In the section I was in before going into quality control, there was a bottle of sanitizer at every station. When they made the stations they took those away, saying they were “fire hazards” …??? We literally have large bottles of isopropyl alcohol strewn around everywhere without lids, it is truly nuts.


This is what I imagine suzzer’s house to be in the best of times.

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lmao 60% approval rating for his response. JFC people are the absolute fucking worst.

Seriously what in the absolute fuck.

Like he’s been the absolute worst ever leader handling any major disaster and he has 60% approval.


He wants the economy open and people like that.

Some, I assume, are good people. (well 40% at the absolute most)

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Any scientists here want to take a stab at interpreting this Oxford U study (still in draft form) where they conclude that Italy and the UK may have already established significant levels of herd immunity?

Lolol had Wheel Of Fortune on just now. A contestant won a Princess Cruise; while the voiceover was talking up how amazing it was they had a text overlay saying “this episode was taped prior to the national health emergency” hahahaha


The only hope is Biden dying. That Weekend at Joe’s plan isn’t going to work in a general election during a crisis. He makes Trump look good and with it.