SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Argentina might be fucked. Heading into winter. Italian-levels of hugging and not taking things seriously. And they share that tea thing you drink out of the same straw.

These writers need to be fired.


Five positive cases for Orlando airport workers. Easter needs to hurry the fuck up and get here so this will end.


Argentina has been under military-enforced lockdowns for a little while now.

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Thought it was a pillow case myself.

I know that my facemask for going outside is a ripped up t-shirt.

I put my foot in my mouth before I left for Vegas on the 9th that more people would be murdered in Chicago than would die to COVID-19 in the USA.

Either we need a cure tomorrow, or the gangs of Chicago need to step up their game, bigly.

I just sent an e-mail to all employees that they can stay home and get paid, or come to work anyway and make clients happy since most of them will be working in vacant homes. I will likely be the only idiot still coming to work. My commute has been absolutely fantastic these first 2 days back, though. Not a single bus in sight! It’s glorious.

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Mississippi is the sub-saharan Africa of America.


Yep. Argies adapted fast.

Also, social distancing being taken very seriously by everyone in my circles in Uruguay. Surprised how quickly the hugs/kisses and sharing of maté were abandoned…now just need to get them to abandon the dulce de leche habit and we’re good.

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Yeah we’re so fucked either way. Either this turns into the worst health catastrophe since 1918, or Trump is hailed as the hero that delivered us from disaster.

If it becomes obvious we’re in the clear for a while I’m going to try to completely and utterly unplug. It’s going to be too insufferable to bear.

We shall see how the experiments turn. Too bad the red states on this map don’t act now. They could really minimize the impact in their states.

Must be some underreporting Sunday and Monday. Looks like US total deaths up almost 200 as of 4pm Tuesday.

That’s great news. Since Argies all look and act and I’m guessing have Italian ancestry - maybe seeing what happened in Italy scared them straight.

Or maybe these sweater things draped over your shoulder somehow repel coronavirus:

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Well maybe add Atlanta to the list with NYC and NO.

Republicans: Chill out snowflakes, it’s like the flu, we’ve gotta get back to normal.

Also Republicans: Cease all abortions immediately, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!

Republican voters nod approvingly.


In red states it’s going to be mayors vs. governors.

Third death from coronavirus in the CR. A 71 year old woman with COPD was infected with coronavirus and died two days after being admitted to the hospital.

That site doesn’t project GA hospitals hitting capacity until April 6. Holy shit if those projections are overly optimistic.

eta: April 6 is the worst case projection.

I read that Cobb County is going to declare a state of emergency today, but haven’t seen an official announcement yet. I believe it would include a shelter-in-place order.