SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

We had three fairly large textile mills in my area when I was a kid. They went to Mexico decades ago, though. I’m surprised we still have even one.

Buckethead might be the last man standing.


France death toll passes 1,000

The death toll in France from the coronavirus has jumped by 240 in the last 24 hours to reach 1,100. That’s its biggest daily rise yet.

There were 2,444 new confirmed cases in the same period, bringing the total number in the country to at least 22,300, France’s health ministry said.

The death toll is likely to be higher, as those confirmed so far have only been people who died in hospital, French media reports say.

Like most other European countries, France has implemented Draconian restrictions on life to prevent the virus from spreading.

The country was put into lockdown on 17 March, requiring people to stay indoors stay except for essential trips for an initial 15-day period.

But on Tuesday, France’s scientific council advised the government to extend the lockdown, saying it should last at least six weeks to suppress the virus more effectively.

Health minister Olivier Véran said the lockdown will “last as long as it needs to”.

Buckethead has requirements gathering issues

I’m backing Lord Buckethead, no less

I’ve flown Aeroflot from Tianjin to Irkutsk!

Two hours extra checking in baggage, two more hours sitting on the runway in a hot, crowded plane. There were literally flies everywhere and some fat dude walking up and down the aisle with his shirt completely unbuttoned trying to boss the stewardesses around.

Bags go under your seat, not the seat in front. I was straddling my bag (which I was afraid to check) like a bull rider.

The guy across from me had a bottle of Ballentines tucked into the seat pocket in front of him. He offered me some. I declined at first then thought better of it. After about 5 or 6 shots I was no longer suffering. Welcome to Russia.


Apparently, according to their website, there are over 1000 open textile/industrial sewing jobs in that area.

…Sew Loved was asked by local partners and industry leaders to launch an industrial sewing training program. Manufacturers in Elkhart and Saint Joseph counties regularly turn away work because they can’t find skilled workers to fill their 1,000 – 2,000 open industrial sewing positions. We realized an industrial sewing training program was what we needed to pursue…

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The Darwin Awards are going to be lit this year.


Eh… how does he think he knew he didn’t have corona when a large percentage of people are asymptotic?

Here is an excellent article on the issues we have had with testing as well as the huge issues we are facing going forward. Definitely recommend reading.

If I was on my trip I’d be looking for one place to hunker down and last through this. Moving from place to place is going to be really difficult right now.

Non-appleaidsnews link:

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It’s more like they’re all tripping over themselves in a stampede to get in front of it.

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I joke, but in all honesty, my two experiences with them were fine. SVO-LED in first class (connecting from a DL flight into Moscow). And then SVO-JFK in coach on one of their newish (at the time) 777s. Would fly again.

Mississippi governor: no shutdown, “we’re not China.”



Sounds like I got my money’s worth on the full Aeroflot experience.

Did everyone tape up their baggage before checking it in on your flight? Some people literally had their entire bag wrapped in yellow tape. I never could get a straight answer on why. That’s why I was afraid to check my bag more than anything else. Although being Russians - plenty of people offered me their tape. But I had a duffel bag and wasn’t sure how that was supposed to work.

My memory is not good enough to remember the baggage wrapping situation. We did not check bags - almost never do.

I’ve been following a few travel vloggers, and I’m starting to see their “trapped in xxx” videos. One in particular thought they had found a great spot to hunker, but they got kicked off the beach by the Argentine police.

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NYC subway ridership down by 87%