SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Child dies from CV in LA. Not good.

Youngest is 18yrs with underlying conditions in UK.

In case you missed it…

US man dies after taking a form of chloroquine

A US man has died and his wife is in critical condition after taking a form of a drug that has been touted by President Donald Trump as a possible treatment for the novel coronavirus.

The couple took chloroquine phosphate - a form of chloroquine used to clean fish tanks - in an apparent effort to guard against Covid-19.

Chloroquine itself is one of the oldest and best-known anti-malarial drugs, but the US Food and Drugs Administration has made it clear it has not been approved for treating those infected with the Covid-19 coronavirus.

The couple - both in their 60s - fell ill within 30 minutes of taking the substance, said Arizona-based hospital system Banner Health.

Read our full story on this case here.

Your pony ingested a lethal dose of chloroquine


Yeah Moscow has been a big one for me. Cold, huge population density, public transportation, Russia is 10th in smokers per capita. You can only hide this thing for so long until the hospitals get overrun. Should be interesting. If they never have a problem I plan to look into vodka as a preventative, or just being an alcoholic in general.

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Nigeria gets it…

Suddenly had a sore throat this morning and now a fever of 102. Hopefully just a sore throat or strep throat


Worth a watch for a good laugh


I guess we have our first “celebrity” death, but idk who this guy is really.

Interesting, here’s what my latest models are showing:


The worst case scenario is sad @suzzer99.

Market went up bigly today so I guess we got this whole thing wrapped up. Excellent work everybody. That was a real nail biter. Glad we can put this whole virus thing behind us now.


non-profit that trains underserved/marginalized women how to sew/quilt (using professional methods so they can get jobs). In case anyone is looking for a useful charity to donate to.

I guess there are a lot of unfilled textile-type jobs in that area


I’ll take a stab at this. Probably below 0.01% (~800 000 people).

No country has yet been completely overwhelmed by COVID-19. It looks like most countries are able to slow down the spread with quarantine measures and hopefully the coming weeks will see countries getting it under control. If it keeps getting worse government will take more draconian measures to stop the pandemic.

I am still optimistic that taking a decisive approach will keep the death toll not that much worse than a bad flu season although it will be much worse in Italy and maybe some other countries.

Sadly this will just convince Trump that getting everyone back to work ASAP is essential to keeping the Dow from tanking, which is the only thing he cares about. Thanks efficient markets!

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This seems absurdly low. “Official” deaths are at 20k worldwide, but realistically, the real number could already be 800k, probably at least 200k. I think we’ll be lucky to dodge fewer than 10 million deaths worldwide. I’m talking about actual deaths due to corona and not just the “official” count, as well as deaths due to things like broken bones and heart attacks which would normally be treated, but lead to deaths due to overflowing hospitals. We also have to consider that countries like India, where tens of millions of people live day to day, and are now on full lockdown, could have hundreds of thousands of deaths due to people starving.

I’d probably do the Thanos snap in exchange for 10 million deaths. I think the actual # might be somewhere around that and then we’ll have the economic fallout which will probably cause millions more deaths.

Two interesting ideas here…


Asians don’t fuck around with this stuff.

I mean, I guess it wouldn’t shock me if it started raining on an Aeroflot flight.


KKK in the aisle with the marigolds?


So how is the person with the bag on their head looking at their phone? Did they cut a window?