SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu


Perfect example of why he doesn’t come out much.

Why can’t we have someone competent running for president in either party?

The thermometer map is showing nationwide improvement, including in Florida, as compared to 3 or 4 days ago. (Even though Florida continues to look terrible compared to the rest of the country.) Observed illness in Florida has gone down from over 3% above expected in large parts of the state to ~ 2.5% above expected in those areas.

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No. We don’t deserve it. We are a terrible country full of terrible people run by even worse people.



FWIW it was raining like hell around here two or three weeks ago, but right now your observation is spot on.
Not sure about what the weather was like in the south, where there are more cases.

Some dude in a mask just came and wiped my outside door handle. Guessing it was the condo complex but it might be the city?

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Not sure how those groups work, but I’m in if a guillotine group is created.

I finally got booted from the Chiefsplanet C19 thread (it’s in the main forum, not DC) for politarding. Literally just made a pretty innocuous joke about Trump. Meanwhile right-wingers just run wild and post endless streams of BS and occasionally get warned.


A coworker quit his job to travel starting with a few months in India, he left at the end of Feb and this was his first instagram post during the trip

“First cup of chai over the hustle and bustle (emphasis on the hustle, cause everyone here is hustling) of New Delhi.”

Post from today says he was forced by a new hostel to get a coronavirus test and come back with it negative to be allowed to stay there

“Here’s a good idea. Let’s force a perfectly healthy individual to go to the hospital full of sick, dying and dead people just to prove what he already knows. After 5 hours of waiting, seeing people having epileptic seizures, and literally watching people die right in front of my eyes, I was cleared of Corona. A traumatic experience in more ways than one and the racism here due to the virus is getting intense :mask:

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Father in Law: “ One doctor said you can self test each morning by taking a deep breath and holding it for 10 seconds. If you can do this without coughing you most likely do not have the virus.”

Me: “A doctor didn’t say that; it’s a myth going around. Same as the drinking water to wash the virus down to your stomach.”

Father-in-Law: “ No, a doctor did say that. He is a member of an online church that I watch. He said it at Sunday’s service.”

Me: “ Ok, but the consensus is that it isn’t accurate; that is a (somewhat ineffective) check for fibrosis which takes months to develop and we don’t know corona causes it. Dozens of doctors and medical organizations say that isn’t a valid test at all. He may have read the myth going around and repeated it.

It’s not even logical when a good % of people with coronavirus are asymptomatic. You can’t say you don’t have the virus if you can hold your breath.”

Me: bangs head against wall


Buddy of mine did something similar. Last I heard he was on Phuket Island, but thinking he’s going leave soon to hike the Himalayas for a couple months. I’m like good luck with that. Bonus - he’s a Trumpfan who thinks the whole thing is a hoax.

Just checked his Instagram - it’s a pic from Abu Dhabi airport:

So unfortunate that my trip has ended for a spell. Phuket airport and now waiting for the 7.5 hours in Abu Dhabi airport

I guess he’s headed back to the US.

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Meanwhile, liberals - who are all certified brain geniuses - get reflexively nauseous at the suggestion of exercising the most trivial amount of power.


Oh Trump’s bullshit about new drugs and treatments and medical equipment being manufactured and delivered are absolutely making its way to people who should know better because someone heard something from somewhere, so when it finally gets to people its not just trump’s deranged ranting its coming from their friends and family trying to pass along positive news.

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Yeah my friend is doing an eat pray love trip for personal reasons and hes such a nice guy that I didn’t have the heart to give him the a “see you in a few weeks when everything gets shut down!” ribbing, but yeah hes smart enough to do his best to stay safe and keep traveling but I don’t see how much longer this trip can last and I’m waiting a similar picture of him from an airport.

That Biden video. I’m going to try so hard to just tune out this Fall. I see nothing but misery in paying attention.

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One of the worst parts is seeing the pod jons and Charlie clymers of the world pretending to be against human sacrifice capitalism after doing everything they could to get Biden’s corpse nominated


OMG, 50% of the population of Alaska already has it? It’s worse than I thought.