SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I missed the good news you refer to?

Ditto in the CR. Both have an unusually small number of deaths given how many cases each country has.

I believe this is the inherent lag experienced before hospital systems overload. All looks ok before the lines start for ventilators - ‘No. 6 should be free in 7 days sir’


See my earlier post. Send me the money and I’ll go get a 3D printer.


Right. If it’s that easy to slow down to one death and only a few new critical patients per day - and hospitals don’t get overrun - we can probably handle a cycle of lock-down (month?)/let-up until a vaccine comes.

Again I’m not saying that’s necessarily what we should do. But it’s probably what we will do.

Hospitals completely overrun like Italy in a dozen or more major cities is what I was thinking was more likely than not a couple weeks ago.

Since this Tom Hanks has tweeted including “Two weeks after our first symptoms and we feel better.”

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And we’re now saying that is “unrealistic” ?

China, Italy, South Korea, Japan, Spain, UK, France, etc. not managed it… even NY showing ‘signs’, like 25,000 indicators and Suzzer99 thinks USA#1 limits to a couple of critical cases a day and reduced social distancing is key? Cummon fella, what you smoking cause mine’s not as good

I’m saying I think it’s more likely than not that hospitals other than NYC will not be overrun - based largely on Wash. St.

Which to me means NYC might be able to pull in other resources. But not sure on that.

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China and Italy and now Spain are the only places hospitals have been overrun. Also I’m not sure why you’re including S. Korea as they’re doing pretty much exactly what we want to do - partial lockdown w/people still working. And Japan mysteriously seems to have little problems.

I’m not saying I know anything for sure. Just saying my 60/40s or 70/30s or w/e have switched as to us having hospitals overrun.

I agree NYC still looks dire as ever. But at least they only had 5k new cases today not 7500. We’ll see if it’s a trend. If NYC is the only place getting overrun I hope we can do like China and bring in resources from elsewhere.

Nothing changes at all for the people at high risk of this - I’m not saying that at all.

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What news is that? I’m genuinely curious. It seems to me like the entire house of cards is about to collapse on the economic front and lumbering Donny Dumfuck™ is planning to reopen the economy right as the case count peaks.

Hmm ok. The US is a big place and there are large swathes of the country not doing much about this.

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Not a schtick but a very well-defined personality disorder.

SK had this 6 weeks ago. They already did the lockdown and loads of other mitigation that the US never even thought of. They are now venturing out for the 2nd wave.

Meanwhile, parts of the US had a ‘stay at home’ order for 7 days and in 7 days time “we’re good to go”

Meanwhile, in NY…

I agree - but most of those swaths have very low population density compared to Europe or China, and summer is coming. And again - not saying I know summer will help, but I’ll bet at 50/50 odds it does.

However they do have a ton of diabetes, obesity, smoking rates, and other health problems.

This really could wipe out a ton of Trump fans in the end.

That’s just too bad.

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But we’re not gonna be good to go. Trump is just saying that. He can’t make CA open Disneyland back up.

I thought for sure Wash St. would be tipping over by now. They were the canary in the US as far as I was concerned. Maybe it’s some kind of false pause. We’ll see.

NY is terrible but Wash St.'s population density is a lot more representative of the rest of the country.

Ya man there is very little testing done in most parts of the US. So you can’t take too much from the official numbers. This thing is exploding as we speak. California and Washington if anything are showing early lockdowns and social distancing can work. And yet we are about to end that very soon. New York was farther down the curve than those places imo. Ill be shocked if there aren’t tons of metro hospital systems overrun by the end of this.

In short we may have dodged the absolute worst scenerios but this is still going to be a shitty year or so no matter what we do.