SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

I have taken a couple days away from following closely but read a little today.

Am I insane to be very mildly optimistic based on some of the recent news? Maybe the absolute worst case scenarios are looking less likely?

Yeah you have so many better things to do with it, like saving it at 0.5% interest.

NY needing 40,000 ventilators sounds pretty horrific.

I dont want to ask what you’ve been doing for a couple of days. Well I do, but you know…


Ars Technica did a story on doctors hoarding the malaria drugs.

Guess it is actually pro publica story but it sounds exactly like what was told here in this thread.

“We won because we smothered the enemy in an avalanche of production, the like of which he had never seen, nor dreamed possible.”

-William S. Knudsen on why America won WWII.

America went from 3,000 to 300,000 planes in a few years.

It’s time for a similar level of effort.


Well…my point is that people are scared and can easily blow off shopping trips, and dentist appointments etc. for fear of unnecessary risking of their health. So they’ll stay home more, avoid restaurants etc. The economy doesn’t kick back until we’re on the other side of the curve. He needs to focus on testing.

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Yeah, you’re going through that stage where countries citizens not seeing a big increase in cases / deaths on their doorstep think there some magical reason they’ll escape the plague. ‘Hey, we shut that border fast’ (Narrator: but still 3 weeks too late)

Good luck CA, show us how it done

I hope CA ordered some ventiltors or have national businesses sourcing the parts and building (getting prepared and in line to buy the PPE)

True but it’s not only about production but deployment too. Ask the French army.

Yeah he should but he’s relying on people ordering shit online I guess.

We can do that now.

Italy looks closely at infection rates

For the third day in a row, the infection rate here is slowing.

Some 69,176 people in Italy are now confirmed to have coronavirus – that’s an increase of just over 8% on Monday’s figures. It’s the slowest rise since the outbreak began and is now starting to look like a downward trend in new infections.

Deaths, though, have risen again - 743 people infected with the virus have died in the past 24 hours, up from 601. But it’s the infection rate that the authorities here will look at closest: it seems to show that the nationwide restrictions are working.

Those are likely to tighten further, with the fine for breaking the rules set to increase, from a maximum of €206 – that’s £190 - to €3,000 – more than £2,750.

Much now depends on the rest of this week: if the infection rate continues to decline, the government will be able to tell Italians that their sacrifice is paying off.


Here’s what I think seems more likely than not: summer + younger pop. + fitter in big cities + less smokers + much less population density in most places + we don’t live/eat with family as much + (hopefully) masks + already used to social distancing, less hugging/handshake/etc. = we won’t turn into Italy in most places and they might look more like Wash St. right now after a few more weeks of our lockdown lite. The Bay Area already looks promising.

Ultimately maybe this means something like 3-5x as bad as the worst flu season except it goes on for 1.5 years. Somehow we scrape by w/o turning into Italy in most places, but the Will’s and TJ’s of the world want to kill themselves at the end.

I make no moral judgements on whether this is the right course of action. It fucking sucks because it means my sister is going to live in terror for a year and a half. But it seems more likely to me than a bunch of our major cities turning into N. Italy-level disaster - as things stand at the moment.

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My God, look at how steep the curve for NYC is


The worst case scenarios ITT were never realistic, but this is looking very bad and the infection rate in the US isn’t slowing down at all.

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So what’s going on in Washington state?

Social distancing and testing. Same thing in CA.

Boeing closed (standard, must be the weather)

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying we are out if the woods and time for a big party ala Trump. It just seems like there is some moderately good news and maybe we have dodged the bottom 15% of worst case scenarios.

How are we defining “the worst case scenarios ITT” ?