SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Those billionaires should have instituted quarantines weeks ago!

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Blue states shelter in place. Red states go back to work. Smart people in red states stay home if they can at all afford to.

In 2.5-3 weeks we compare notes. If this happens, the Republicans don’t win a majority in Congress or a presidential election for at least a decade imo.

I hope this doesn’t happen, as millions would suffer, but it seems like a path we may go down… And rarely in life do we get such a clear example/comparison of political decisions right before our eyes. Usually they are clouded by layers of complexity, decades of separation, and massive spin machines.

This would be relatively simple, relatively quick, and the degree of suffering would make it hard to spin. Red states would see way higher infection rates and way higher fatality rates.


War time president sends everyone back to work right after D-Day.


A billionaire literally just plastered his face on every tv channel and his voice on every radio channel and made sure he was seen by everyone on Facebook multiple times a day. I know you’re fundamentally unable to criticize people with more money than you, but it’s incredibly amazing that no one did any number of things to help out. Make masks/hospital equipment/hand sanitizer — those are all things they could have done and made money!

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Benevolent billionaires helping out was always based on nonsense, so I think it’s unclear if further blows to the ‘theory’ would change anything. Same with Trump and his approval, it won’t turn on events so much as the ability to spin those events. Not saying Trump and / or billionaires will definitely succeed, but they certainly have a shot.


When we compare notes, wouldn’t you know it California and New York have 100x as many positives as Arkansas, who only performed 700 tests total. Looks like the libs fucked it up again.

Seriously it’s delusional if you think there are lasting electoral consequences to this imo.


Red states seem ok with millions of people dying.


Once we compare notes and see that Mississippi has infant mortality rates comparable to third world countries, the GOP will be doomed there!


Also innumeracy. California’s 1000 deaths will seem worse than Wyoming’s 100.



What do we mean by extremely vulnerable?

People falling into this extremely vulnerable group include:

  1. Solid organ transplant recipients
  2. People with specific cancers:
  • people with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy or radical radiotherapy for lung cancer
  • people with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma who are at any stage of treatment
  • people having immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments for cancer
  • people having other targeted cancer treatments which can affect the immune system, such as protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors
  • people who have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months, or who are still taking immunosuppression drugs
  1. People with severe respiratory conditions including all cystic fibrosis, severe asthma and severe COPD.
  2. People with rare diseases and inborn errors of metabolism that significantly increase the risk of infections (such as SCID, homozygous sickle cell).
  3. People on immunosuppression therapies sufficient to significantly increase risk of infection.
  4. Women who are pregnant with significant heart disease, congenital or acquired.

1.5m UK citizens being advised to effectively quarantine (shield) themselves for next 12 weeks

I don’t think Trump counts those with pre-existing conditions as COVID-19 deaths to keep the numbers ‘good’

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Jack Ma


cap’n crunch for dinner o hellz ya


Narrator: It mattered little as the Republicans kept the presidency and gained a majority in Congress that would last a decade

Jack Ma!

I stand by my bestof though, we’ll just add a ~.

Yeah the notion that any of this has any lasting (or even temporary) effect on elections is hilarious. They’ll just blame the Chinese. NOT TRUMP’S FAULT!

Consider the myth that billionaires can effectively coordinate the public health supply chain busted. Anyone who believed thatMike Bloomberg was an adequate replacement for the CDC was dumb.

Obviously this is a straw man, but I think you really don’t get the position you’re strawmanning. (@Trolly suffers from this too.). Very, very few people believe that private industry or Silicon Valley can fill in for the essential functions of government. They’re just desperate because the government isn’t filling its essential roles, so maybe technology or weird idiosyncratic rich visionaries can plug someone useful gaps.


The only way it has electoral consequences is if it literally kills more GOP voters than Dem voters. No one is changing teams over this issue.

That might actually be a strong motivator to get deplorables and their stained-with-the-coming-of-the-Lord hands off our streets: “If we did, then the HOAXACRATS will take over again!”

Nah. Since Reagan the fundamental position of the GOP is that government is bad at everything and it should all be privatised.


Ultimately won’t the counting of deaths be done by each state? Sure Trump can lean on republican governors to get them to under count, but I don’t think he can stop New York or California from reporting whatever they want to.