SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

…and all these laid off workers will now have less money to spend which will require further layoffs and so on.

Well it doesn’t appear that the data from the thermometer company is tracking this very well. All weekend we got a lot of news is that hospitals in the US are starting to get overwhelmed, but the data from this smart thermometer is actually trending the other way.


Could very well be a compositional effect. Normally I only take my temperature when I feel sick, but lately I’ve been taking it at least once a day. If you have a lot of healthy people doing the same, that will drive down the average.


Good point. But you would hope they are normalizing the data or whatever it is the data scientists call it.

Updated on jgirl220, slept through the night, woke up in a good mood today. Temperature back to normal (97.4 under armpit). Cough seems milder.


New data from NYC

NYC deaths

Combining this with another data source gives a case fatality rate of 3.1% for 65 and older, and less than 0.8% for 45 to 64. This second category isn’t an exact calculation because the age groups reported for cases are different than the age groups used for deaths.

I’m quarantining everything, but for now, I’m charged with going to get groceries. There are much higher risk families that should take priority. I’m thinking the same thing about Amazon deliveries after seeing that warehouse workers are not getting taken care of. Obviously, I should have been boycotting Amazon before this, but in these trying times™, everything has changed.



This pandemic that’s going on right now should, at the very least, destroy the myth of the smart/benevolent billionaire. We knew what was coming in mid February and they did nothing. They like to hide behind the “I’m going to donate 99% of my fortune to help humanity” excuse, but like, if there was every a time to use your fortune to help humanity, it was six weeks ago.


Not even sure how Trump will “reopen” US. He never closed it. He never issued one statement that I can recall that told people to stay home and listen to healthcare experts.

All the states did it own their own. All the states can continue doing it on their own. He can get bent.


So they are going with kill their own to own the libs. Bold strategy.

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Damn. Couldn’t get a pickup slot from the grocery store until Wednesday evening. We have enough food to eat like children, but I might have to go to the store today to grab a few things. Hoping the shitty weather here keeps up so it depresses crowds.

Lawbros can I sue my employer if I get the virus?

I think there are a lot of employers, states, localities, and media personalities who will respond in unsafe ways if the President and CDC reverse course on this in the middle of the crisis. Not to mention a couple hundred million MAGA chuds who would seamlessly transition back to their early March “spreading covid to own the libs” mindsets that they may have been moving away from in the last week.

Like, it would be a legitimate nightmare if he goes rogue and ignores the health experts on this. Which makes me 100000% certain he’s going to do it.


When is his dumbass 15 day thing done anyway?

Seriously, 15 days from when? Good question. He never shut anything down lol.

He retweeted this so I’m guessing he wants everything back to normal April 1st.


Yeah, if Pres. starts telling people to go back to work, it will provide cover for all the POS business owners out there to pressure their employees into doing reckless, unsafe shit.

I’m lucky, the law firm I work for is owned and run by people who are light-years better and more decent people than most of the rest of the legal profession. They have been telling us for weeks that we can work from home if we want to, and they have taken steps to make accommodations for all our staff to do the same, but it’s not for their bottom line, it’s so they don’t have to lay anyone off. When the last recession hit, they made it a point not to fire anyone and all the shareholders took big pay cuts so they didn’t have to fire anyone then. Last week the firms leader ship gathered everyone together and had a conference call across our offices to let us know that we are all in this together and they are not planning on layoffs, and that the thing they cared about most was everyone’s safety. The result is I’m actually motivated to do my best to get work done so we can keep everyone together.


Hey man that’s not fair, they didn’t do nothing…

A lot of them sold their stocks!