SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

Europe reporting a BMI >40 is high risk group so COVID-19 does affect fatties…

That was what the UK was going for initially until they realised it would entail 250,000 deaths.

BMI over 40 is pretty severe tho. Basically that puts you at risk to being killed be a flight of stairs .


True, but that’s due to underlying causes from long-term extreme obesity, not simply from being kinda fat.

Dude at my work is 6’2" 350 lbs, has diabetes, has had his two big toes cut off because of his diabetes and has for years been dealing with diabetic ulcers on his feet where his toes were amputated. On Friday he was all, “I’m not worried, this virus bullshit only kills sick people.”


It’s in the first thread in posts around late January early february. Videos taken by medical professionals. They did not look like bs. It was back around the time when I was screaming from the rafters that this was a BFD and most were not taking it seriously.

Isn’t this partially invalidated by the virus’ ability to mutate, particularly if running wild in the population (i.e. more chances to mutate)? Disclaimer: no medical background.

Spain death toll tops 2,000

The death toll in Spain has reached 2,182, the government has announced, after 462 people passed away in the past 24 hours.

coming from someone with an extraordinarily low IQ - somewhere in the mid 60s apparently - that’s going to rustle his jimmies

I agree, I think we’re saying the same thing.

By ‘kinda fat’ I meant pre-potato Ked. Plus another 10-20 lbs, give or take. Love handles and cute bellies. Not
:arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down:

Your jawline can slice down coronas but that dude’s gonna die.

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Right, I thought we established those were non ICU patients in hallways due to overcrowding. Which, obviously, should be taken seriously but it’s not quite dead bodies piled up.

Don’t know what video you are referring to, but they were clearly bodies. They were covered in blankets from head to toe including having their heads covered.

Some virus change their antigens readily- think influenza. But even then, specific rearrangements seem to occur more in the animal host. Some don’t-think polio.

No clue w Coronovirus. That said, it’s virulence can change wo it’s antigen profile changing at all.

maybe they were cold


Oh dear


Woke up this morning with some congestion and slight throat soreness. I hate feeling like something bad is coming.


Bailing out mortgage REITs would be absurd. I’m not saying it won’t happen, but it would be absurd.

My wife has started quarantining our groceries


If I have to hear one more time about how much this hack likes to jog, I’m going to intentionally contract coronavirus.