SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

This. We’re at war. If an enemy was invading our cities and killing us, having overrun our military, we’d all be grabbing guns and defending ourselves. But instead it’s a virus, it’s about to overrun our hospitals, and people are still going to bars/restaurants/gyms/etc.

Get exercise, yes it’s important to stay healthy, stay sane, and keep the immune function up. But get the best exercise you can get without endangering others! Do stuff alone in your gym, go for walks/jogs late at night when hardly anybody is outside, don’t touch your face, disinfect your shoes. I have outdoor shoes now that I leave by my door, they’re the only ones I wear, they don’t come all the way into the apartment.

Yeah, like in 2-4 weeks, businesses and society will probably figure out how to reduce the risk enough to make this viable with limits on the number of people who come in, social distancing, reducing the number of people who touch specific surfaces - perhaps even to 1 in the case of gym equipment… Until then, and until the curve starts to show flattening, home workouts are the acceptable solution - or lonely walks on empty streets at night… or hikes in areas without a lot of people.

The difference in mortality rate also would make a huge difference in supply chains, so hopefully Contagion’s supply chain breakdowns are not a thing for us. Hard to say at this stage. There also wasn’t like a work from home element to it. People were just trying to survive, due to the mortality rate and the food shortages.

We are fucked if what is being reported is true regarding Trudeau’s presser and nothing else. Going to drop the ball and this will be looked back at as a missed opportunity to better mitigate this pandemic.

The Gov of Mass specifically said in his announcement of school closings that this will do jack shit to help unless the kids are kept at home. Please do not treat this as school vacations and have play dates, etc. I was thinking to myself, do people really need this explained to them…

Maybe 3.5 to 4 weeks? Like under Italy-ish scenarios. I have no good feeling for how probable better scenarios are.

Talk with them about the long-term impacts of stopping now, and how that risk changes over time. Like are you going to have a permanent reduction in range of motion if you stop now? What if you stop in a week? Etc… Can a family member or friend who is also isolating with you learn how to do the manipulation/massage safely and to a reasonable degree? How much precaution are they taking to stay safe?

Only you can decide this based on the outlook, your safety, and your level of concern for others. Get all the info possible, then decide.


A silver lining for us is that our health minister Eliot is not an imbecile. I am not a Conservative, so this isn’t just partisan BS. Also my wife is an exec at an Ontario hospital so she’s got a direct line to the Ministry. Seriously we are lucky that Ford didn’t appoint a dumbass con to botch the Ministry of Health.



I’m going to guess an infected guy running on a treadmill a few feet away and breathing really hard will do the same trick.

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Here ya go gym rats. Just got this in my email 2 minutes ago.

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Yup, yup. I started with the Aussie pullups and behind the back dips, was totally rubbish at it. 6 months later and I can do 5 pull ups (5!!!). Pretty sweet that you can do it almost anywhere too.


Not sure Cuomo should be proposing bets with the press corp. What is with these dem politicians and proposing bets with people who are saying things they don’t like?

Good work. Pull ups are hard, man!

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Buddy just texted me that Mitt Romney is proposing UBI for duration of COVID19 outbreak.


If so, its not picked up by any news source yet.

This is the most recent Rmoney headline with regards to UBI from December 19

“Mitt Romney and Michael Bennet just unveiled a basic income plan for kids”


A national allowance? I love it.

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Good to see Mitt Romney is more liberal than Pelosi.

Excellent work Nancy.


Welp the 80 year old guy in my neighborhood who takes a walk every single morning in a suit was out there today of course. I’m not sure if I should yell at him to stay inside or offer to walk 50 yards in front of him and yell at everyone to get out of the way.