SARS-CoV-2: Electric Superflu

A guy on a 4 hour bus trip in China who wasn’t coughing or sneezing (they had the entire trip recorded) infected people up to 6 rows of seats away.

If you have diabetes, that seems like even more reason to not go a public gym.

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Speaker seems like a weird play here.

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I’m still hitting the gym as per usual. I’m not about to let my body go to pot right before I inevitably get hit with Covid.


I’m actually considering taking a couple days and hiking across Big Cypress Preserve. Get to stay away from people, get some good exercise, and be out in the open air.


Taking the UK as an example, GDP per capita is way higher now than decades ago (ldo):

If the virus causes even as much as say a 10% hit to GDP, why is this such a big deal if the economy can be rebalanced via taxation/investment to boost the lower paid and homeless?

(asking for an economically illiterate friend).

I’m assuming the issues they’ve had with diabetes is based on confounding variables, such as age and generally poor health and high blood sugar, which can mess with the immune system. My blood sugar is currently well controlled (thanks to exercise) and am basically asymptomatic.

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Struggle I’m having right now, maybe you guys can provide some insight.

Because of my job I can’t avoid being exposed, and it’s extremely likely I’m infected right now, which is fine. My parents understand that I won’t be seeing them for the foreseeable future and are basically the only elderly people that I interact with in my personal life, so that’s fine.

My plan had been to continue to going to the gym but now I’m second guessing it, because I’m constantly interacting with the elderly at work. But like I said, if I haven’t been exposed already I definitely will be.

So gym or no? It is what keeps me sane. Maybe just wear a mask on calls at work in an effort to not transmit?

I don’t really know enough to give a good defense of my position or to refute what you are saying, but my instinct is that in USA#1 at least, a 10% drop inGDP wouldn’t cause a big enough shock to create the popular support need to get the government to do that.

I’m not some kind of workout fiend, but I stopped going to the gym about a week ago. I go for runs/hikes in nearby parks, do some bodyweight/park bench exercises, and ordered resistance bands for home. Trying to do the right thing for the community at large, and I don’t see any way that going to the gym doesn’t fly in the face of that.


We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good.

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Is there any chance you can substitute gym visits with some kind of outdoor activity? Like hiking/biking?

Fair enough, and I can live without lifting. It just seems like it’s pointless given my specific circumstances.

Time to take up jogging I guess :sob:

ETA - had two calls yesterday that in my ignorant ass opinion were more likely than not to be CV

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I think I’ve found about where my “should I do this?” line is.

My son is going to a tennis lesson today. It’s one-on-one and outside, so there shouldn’t be any contact with anyone other than the instructor. We decided to keep the lesson, but were waffling on it for a while.


Pro tip for those looking to stock up on food to make from home, but want something more than canned tuna or ramen. My wife and I have enough food to live off home made tacos for probably 2 months. If you have a tortilla press, a bag of masa flour goes a long way, then just need some cheap meat and vegetables to add and you can eat a pretty well balanced diet for a long time and relatively cheap.


Been struggling with the gym thing too, tentatively decided not to go for now, but I’ve literally gone 3/4 days a week for almost 9 years and it will pain me to just stop for a month or whatever. Let’s take a survey.

  • Gym OK
  • Gym Not OK

0 voters

going to the gym eh? fucking lol

edit: zero chance are you smarter than the waiters you shat on the other day


Just do some body weight exercises and put on shitty electronic music to replicate the gym experience.


2 months? Are people seriously predicting the entire food supply network is going down because a bunch of 70 + year olds are getting ill? Italy is getting hit pretty hard and they’re not out of food.

Mitch McConnell is pure evil. He needs to be at the front of the line for, ehh, societal downsizing.

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