Sabo permaban confirmation

I guess so.

I think you kind of picked a weird way to make that point. I can kind of imagine a cogent argument for the ikes thing. The Keeeeed thing is completely incomprehensible to me.

But I guess we agree on all counts. Nothing to see here.

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My meme up thread not withstanding, I really have no fucking idea what’s going on in this thread or the forum. But. I really like this place and I really like all of you

This place is the reason why I had my prior firm ready to WFH in Feb of 2020 while all the other firms were struggling to get their people WFH into April because they hadn’t bought equipment.

In short, I looked like a genius because if you guys and I’d like to continue that.


Responding Keeeeeed to a post of his is saying typical dumb Keed. It is flat out trolling. Engage with what he said instead of trolling him.


So if you do both in the same post, ok or not ok?

Sure, but responding “Ok Ikes” is literally the exact same thing.

That’s extremely rare. If someone writes Keeeeed they’re not going to engage in my argument. They’re saying it to dismiss it without engaging.

The relevance of this post to my point is what, exactly? (and I am in no way conceding what you just wrote) If you’re banning ok keeed then why not ok ikes?

who is doing that to ikes? Doesn’t really seem like a thing currently.

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Yeah, I agree it’s uncommon.

But I can’t anyone would be on board with a ban for a post that was as follows:

[im replying to you but this isn’t directed specifically at PokerChads]

Sure but he’s fucking right here.

Why can’t people make that distinction ever? This is what makes me feel i’ve taken the crazypills™. Like Sabo starts a thread where he bullies anyone who posts in it in the most patronizing way ever with the most obvious intent to antagonize those he feels wronged him before.

All of it was literally designed to troll. So did the phrasing of this thread. So did Keed’s posting it.


Can we do the jlawOK.gif or is that a banhammer also?

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what’s the purpose of the keeeed if they’re going to substantially engage my argument? Anyway, I’d prefer if people just came out and called me a dumb piece of shit.

Lol, A+ trolling right there.

To be clear this isn’t a shot at the poster who posted that. I understood what they were saying.

We all use words like that to loosely from time to time.


Then permaban me.

This was my initial thought after reading the poll and first few responses.

I’m not sure you can use people who have not been treated unfairly and blithely go about their lives as evidence that the victims who are complaining are in the wrong.

There are a whole host of political analogies here and none of them seem great.


Let’s just ban entire forum for 2 weeks and see what happens.


Tradition? Force of habit?

Not everything has to have a purpose. It’s just what we do and I think as long as no one takes it too seriously it’s fine and a bit amusing.