Sabo permaban confirmation

Isn’t it the worst of all possible worlds because the poll wording means that, whatever the result, the mods will be attacked for how they choose to interpret it? I mean obviously the op should be:

Sabo was permabanned for this post: x

Should Sabos permaban be upheld or overturned?

  1. Yes
  2. No

I read this as a vote on whether Sabo is a troll or is he owed an apology and voted accordingly.

Since Sabo himself worded it, i feel confident that it’s the proper way to vote on the issue.


If the ban was a mistake, why wouldn’t he get an apology? Saying you were wrong isn’t ceding your birthright to the kingdom.

This faux legalistic bullshit is getting tired

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It’s almost like some posters are realizing that if Sabo gets banned for being a toxic troll then they could be next.


Looks like I read the OP just fine then.


This is beyond absurd. Sabo gets a body of work ban for being a perpetually annoying ass and literally posting shit, then he enlists keeeeeeeeed to continue his trolling, and now the same people who have spent the last two weeks stirring up pointless drama want to litigate all of this. All while mods and admins are quitting because they’re tired of the endless bullshit.

Mods need to either stand by mod actions and drop the hammer on some of this shit-stirring or else give in and hand the keys over to the people who want this place to burn down. Right now we’re on a slow march toward a death via thousands of posts wanting to litigate every mod action endlessly.


Yes JT. Posting a ludicrously worded poll to stir up toxic bullshit worded by and for a guy who just spent a week trying to stir up toxic bullshit is awful.

Carrying water for that troll in an obvious coordinated attempt by a bunch of bad faith actors (which I don’t think you are actually) is also awful.

Hope that helps.


I think it was pretty obvious, as your own response suggests.

Sabo’s body of work included how many previous bans? Seems like it would be many to result in a perma ban right?

And another mod/admin drops. Thanks everyone, you’re doing good work. Keep this bullshit up.


Ikes one side, Sabo the other, ones banned but not the other.

I personally wouldn’t want Ikes permabanned though and I don’t want Sabo permabanned, simply because I can choose to read whatever I want in life however I want.

Mind you some days I don’t choose to be an adult and a day or 2 ban for overstepping the line seems to be fine in handling those incidents.

Mind you, I hate private schools for this exact reason too, if I’m a lefty in life, I’m a lefty on here too, free everyone and fuck the authoritarianism.

It would be different if I or others were just right wing assholes but were not, stop splitting the left even more I say and free the left.


What JT said. It just basically not being a dick.


I am clearly running like the sun on unstuck. I have absolutely no idea what this whole Sabo business is all about and I assume if I continue my current usage I never will. All I remember him from is the abolish rent thread and I haven’t read that in a long time because it’s unreadable.


He wasn’t banned for the former, he was banned for @'ing someone and, generously, just attacking them for overacting, and less generously, attacking them along mental health lines. I’m fine with permaban being voted on, this OP was not remotely close to a good faith effort to get a clean up/down vote on his permaban. Personally, I’d be fine with 1 day, 1 week, 1 month etc. escalating for the most obvious personal attacks. I don’t remember enough of his history, eyeballing it, it seems he was in the between 1 day and 1 week stage for this one.

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I think to @ someone and insult them that way is qualitatively worse than throwing that insult around in the flow of a thread, but the latter shouldn’t be tolerated either.

Nah, if you can avoid clicking on threads like this one, as I do 99.9% of the time, it’s still one of the best forums around imo.

(Also my vote was a troll vote as I have no fking clue what any of this is about, I won’t fight my penalty minutes for trolling)


Isn’t Sabo the mountain man living alone in a cabin somewhere with a cat? He’s bound to have good and bad days. I say no perma ban.

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Sabo is a very very very strange hill to die on (for “both sides”). Whether his perma-ban stemmed from one particularly bad post or an accumulation of questionable posts is largely irrelevant at this point. His perma-ban should probably be converted to a 2-week ban or something along those lines.

I think everybody is well aware of Sabo’s posting, his posting style, the topics he posts on, etc., going back to the AC days on 2p2. The terms “good faith” and “bad faith” have no meaning when it comes to Sabo. I called him a meta-troll in an earlier post but that is not entirely accurate. He is certainly not your garden-variety troll but definitely has a knack of annoying a great many readers of his posts and a great many posters who try to engage him in a discussion.

I don’t think it serves anybody to use the topic of Sabo’s perma-ban as a substitute for discussing the current forum “war” that seems to have broken out recently. Sabo has too much baggage and his case is too unique to serve as a lynch-pin for a discussion of the larger set of emerging issues which seem to be dividing the forum.


Instead of censoring the c-word we should censor gaslighting