Sabo permaban confirmation

As mentioned above, I don’t understand the connection between permaban and anonymizing/nuking his account. Those are two separate issues.

If he want the anonymizations, then I would grant that request for him.

Doesn’t this invalidate the entire vote/thread?

BTW, why was Sabo perma-banned?

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If we’re not going to lock this obvious tag-team shit-stirring, can we at least move it to French BBV?


Wait, Suzzer was banned for the Keeed post? Or was it something else?

That’s the one I was thinking of. I just interpreted it as some friendly(ish) ball-busting and I didn’t think he was actually serious. But maybe there is some context I’m missing.

When I read it, I definitely wasn’t thinking, “Uh-oh, suzzer is gonna eat a ban for this one”.

While I’m surprised by one day ban, I’m fine with it. I also would have been fine with a warning or no action taken.

If your perma banned why would we be granting requests of any kind?

Thanks for the info.

The vote (options) still seems invalid to me and I will not cast a vote in such a poll. However, I am inherently opposed to perma-bans except in very rare circumstances. So I would vote to reinstate Sabo.

I have no opinion regarding that rather strange thread he and Clovis created which, I think, Clovis bowed out of once it became clear that Sabo had no intention to discuss things in “good faith” (my words). Sabo is a well-known meta-troll who can sometimes provide insightful posts but also can be a shit-stirrer.

We actually don’t have “many other options” for dealing with toxic trolls.

I’m glad to see the ban is on course to be overturned.

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How does the anonymize work? I will always be sympathetic to concerns about doxing, especially on a political site. We already had one person tracked to here by some deplorable that I’m aware of.

Your username gets changed to a string of random characters like @anon24898493.

This is going to be my last post for a while. Not sure how long. I need a break.

I just want to publicly say if I was to vote in a clean poll I’d vote sabo’s ban be reversed. Permaban should be extremely rare.

That said, I am completely disheartened by the same group instantly signing on for his reinstatement without any acknowledgment that his behaviour was poor and warranted some kind of action. I tried every way I know to get to him self-moderate a tiny bit in that thread. He simply refused.

It’s also not an accident the apology is tied into his reinstatement. Sabo is intelligent. He knows how norms are created among a community and so he knows the apology part will absolve him of all responsibility in that thread, and effectively shift the Overton window of what is acceptable here.

I’ll give him credit. I am not sure this Overton shift wasn’t his goal all along and he perfectly utilized my naivety to accomplish it. He won. I lost.

Well played sir.


Lol you all are gonna let him come back and troll the shit out of this place. This forum has run its course. gg everyone.


He did put it it spoilers so like lol me I suppose, but posting a shit festooned bedroom gif and @'ing people to personally attack them are not, call me selfish, the kinds of posts I want to casually come across.

Poorly worded poll, I wouldn’t call him a troll per se, and like maybe I’d reverse the permaban to like two weeks or a month, but the apology part is too rich.

I guess this was another reason why we did the RFC thing, to discuss the wording of polls on important things before they’re posted.

So you would vote to lift the ban while simultaneously claiming you believe he’s either unwilling or unable to moderate his behavior.

And you wonder why this place is going to shit?


If you think that thread was a genuine attempt by Sabo to create a better experience to the members of the community you have very poor judgment imo.

The fact that clovis really did think it at first just means he was tricked by the Sabo, which must feel pretty shitty.

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Sabo is owed an apology or a permaban? You guys are utterly awful.


Lol, might be helpful to quote the post he was permabanned for in th OP. I mean, I get why you didn’t do that.

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“Sabo is owed an apology. Permaban rejected.”


“Sabo is a troll. Permaban confirmed.”

Come on JT.

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The wording of OP and the poll options are obviously “flawed” (they came directly from Sabo).

However, this thread can provide community feedback to PC/the mods regarding Sabo’s perma-ban, even if they don’t put 100% stock into the poll results.

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