Sabo permaban confirmation

The same stuff that has happened for a year, handled the same way, with the same results. Just new people on either side of the coin.

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Itā€™s not everyone. 1% of the forum have riled themselves up for reasons that arenā€™t exactly clear. Another 2% of the forum have been sucked into the drama to various degrees. Everybody else is just staring at the train wreck and waiting for the dust to settle so we can get on with normal foruming.


Seriously. I canā€™t imagine getting this angry over stuff like this.

Thereā€™s an ignore button if you really donā€™t like the person.

Are we the weird ones for thinking all this drama is absurd?


Too much talking about it, not enough doing something about it.

I freely admit Iā€™m partially at faultā€¦Iā€™ve been slacking here as other parts of my life got busier.


I come back from a weekend in Lexington to return confused as shit to what just happened hereā€¦ So someone made a new forum and we had another exodus due to the continued debate over mod powers and the ideology of how to run a forum? That seems less than ideal.

Lol if you wanna call ā€œexodusā€ like 3 posters requesting bans and a mass spam message by someone whoā€™s spent an inordinate amount of time trying to ruin this place for everyone but himself, then yea, an exodus.

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Thatā€™s good to hear, I guess?

I donā€™t know if thatā€™s ā€œconfirmed.ā€ Or at least, I donā€™t know for sure. Clovis made a since-deleted post, which I quoted part of, saying that ā€œThey have started a new siteā€ but I havenā€™t seen any corroboration.

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Okay, my head is spinning now. Not sure if itā€™s because itā€™s 88 degrees in my house or what. Iā€™ll back away from the keyboard so I avoid stepping in anything.

Iā€™ll confirm that a new site exists. Itā€™s not entirely clear to me if some folks will be posting in both places or if they intend to fully transition to that site, but it is real.

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I kinda think this is the wrong approach. Itā€™s not that hard to imagine and i think itā€™s beneficial to do so.

I donā€™t think itā€™s hard to imagine how Jal, marty, fidget etc feel singled out on being excessively moderated on something that is part of their culture.
Itā€™s not hard to imagine how Wookie or Jmakin feel unappreciated for taking time and effort to build/help the community
Itā€™s not impossible to imagine why Sabo was hurt about people mocking or belittling some of his ideas or thoughts. Itā€™s not hard to imagine why Clovis feel he was taken advantage of and is extra sensitive about things now.

It doesnā€™t have to be important to you to imagine how it can be important to someone else. I was legit real life angry for a couple of days because I felt someone trolled me in a walrus category. Iā€™m not gonna judge anyone for taking things too seriously.

A big issue is that I feel like some of the people involved (and I only mentioned a few and itā€™s just a rough estimate on how they feel) donā€™t always bother imagining themselves.


From what it sounds like, dude at least needed a healthly ban (not sure if perma is appropriate but I donā€™t know the details). Ofc if he requests his posts be purged I think thats fair. The toxic clown crue that wants no rules at all should find a different forum IMO.

On a scale of 1 to Toxic Clown Crue, what is the toxicity level of labelling a group of people a ā€œToxic Clown Crueā€?


Like a 3 tops. What would you rate belittling someone for mental health issues or calling a public person a ā– ā– ā– ā–  when you know its likely to make someone else uncomfortable?

Thatā€™s pretty bad, yeah. I mean, can you even imagine?

2ish. What else defines the Toxic Clown Crue?

Is this the part where you ignore my points give me a bunch of homework then nitpick like the 12th thing I say? I guess that would be toxic too. Anyways I think if that was all he got permaed for that it was excessive and that his request to have posts purged should be honored. Maybe people who come in every moderation thread threatening to leave should do so? How is this an unreasonable position?

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I answered both your questions.



Thereā€™s no limit to oneā€™s imagination.

I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t and that wasnā€™t the part of your post I responded to. Itā€™s not unreasonable even though the people who are ā€œon your sideā€ seem to think the exact opposite. A lot of mixed signals being put out here.

I was really just curious about who was in the Toxic Clown Crue. I mean, itā€™s not toxic to toss that label out if youā€™re correct.

iā€™m just amazed you all donā€™t see it

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For the most part to label people is toxic but to label behaviors is healthy. Really not projecting here or assuming your motives but feel most of my posting ITT has been fair.

It is fair, thatā€™s why I was only talking about the Toxic Clown Crue part. I mean, just the vague nature of it puts a lot of people, myself included, in an awkward position and kinda begs the question, in the sense that if we donā€™t agree theyā€™re toxic clowns then weā€™re supporting toxic clownery.

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