Council of Captains Discussion Thread

I do like how you think I’m saying we’re guilty of hiding something, when I’m just doing a running bit with Ked about dropping shrooms and letting everybody in the top secret clubhouse.


yeah it’s probably time for a new site, lots of clown shit happening on here with too many people acting like children and I haven’t even read any of the beef threads lol


I mean… the very nature of screen names and avatars is hiding (and with good reason given some of the people here). wtf are you talking about?

So someone borrowed your invented screen name and picture to poke fun at you and instead of posting “Very funny, I guess” or something you go on another of your monkey tilt abuse rampages claiming violation of your god knows what.

And by “Go on” I mean that I can’t really read your tone accurately… But I’m gonna guess you’re not happy and jovial about things. You’re not happy and jovial about things, right?

I mean, it seems like by the “meant to be a PM” reference that you’re potentially resentful of me for “defending” Sabo with an accurate retelling of historical facts, that you somehow think him saying you had a “mental meltdown” is far, far worse than all you said to him in the past about mental health, and in true kill-the-messenger fashion I’m in the wrong? But we don’t have to talk about that if you don’t want to, and are just doing a joke.

I’ve stated more than once I feel shitty for having had to bring that up, and if you recall we had a dustup back then that I’m not proud of, that’d I’d also be potentially calling attention to by referencing that thread. I sacrificed myself as well.

I’m totally serious btw, I actually do see the humor in making this public. It was the natural extension of everybody increasingly inviting everybody into the PM, and if you don’t want to discuss anything that’s totally fine.

why is this hill so important? if it was a joke, clovis was the butt off it and he didn’t enjoy it. just chalk it up to ‘do not kid with this guy’ and move on.

it can’t be like “never herp-derp” but then “take a joke”. And if this is all continuous retaliation then what exactly is the end game.

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I do in fact like you, you’re just sometimes a little… oblique, and rely on insinuation which is sometimes not as clear as you think it is. My tone came just after I was reading the Sabo thread and hit this:

And was like, see what? I have no idea what you meant. Don’t explain, it doesn’t matter, I’m just already irked by the drama and in the mood to cut through vagueposting.

It’s hard for me to comment on this because I still don’t really understand wtf microbet et al left for, nor do I know what has gone on around ikes, but as far as I’m concerned it’s the process itself that is the problem. Like microbet is one of the more chill, mild-mannered people on here and has obviously been driven to distraction. If you’re blaming the moderation here for this, why didn’t it happen at 2+2 where the moderation was worse? I’m pointing the finger at About Unstuck and everything going on in there, it wants a fucking tactical nuke dropped on it. The less people have engaged with any of that, the happier they are here. If there’s a crisis of legitimacy in moderation, then let’s have an election process to deal with that, but to me it’s obviously the process of “let’s all endlessly discuss moderation decisions” that drives people insane because, like I said, it is not possible to come to consensus. Any solution that is like “no, you don’t understand, I’ve got a new way we can all endlessly discuss moderation” is a non-starter to me because it replicates the same process by which everything inevitably goes to shit, it has happened several times over now.


yeah that was vague as shit not gonna lie about that one

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It’s not a proposal where we all discuss moderation decisions. It’s a proposal where the people who want to do that make a subforum. It’s self selecting for the people who want to build a community that is structured like that. Anyone can post there, but the people who want to make the moderation decisions and talk about that do so.

Not enjoying it is one thing. Calling someone an absolute piece of human shit is another, especially when you’ve been calling for mediation for others and reconciliation.

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So admin can and have been reading PM’s.

Site is dead.


Microbet thought people were not being nice. It’s well documented in this thread…

Which reminds me, to anybody who posted something in this thread that they wanted kept private, and now are worried somebody might read…



Nobody reads shit you sweet summer children. How do you think we’re all in this mess? From people calmly and carefully reading posts and then responding in kind to the information in said posts? Did I mention how much my sides hurt, how much they hurt from all the laughter?

If I had a nickel for every time somebody posted in the forum some shit like, “Well I haven’t read most of this, I mean, any of this, really, but… Here is my authoritative and definitive take on the matter which should be universally respected and not be challenged nor even questioned,” then I’d have a sack of nickels to start beating people to death with.

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Nah, Jmakin is just makin…g a memorable and dramatic exit.

Do you think the person poking fun at clovis expected him to take it easy, or was he hoping for the exact reaction he got?

I have my guesses.

That’s the Goofyballer I know and love. Ah well.

more towards the former

Right. I mean I just went back and read Keeed’s proposal and he was like “animosity in the forum is on the rise, so anyway here is my proposal to create whole new subforums and blah blah”.

Animosity in the forum is on the rise because it is not moderated against strongly enough. Like it’s hilarious that there was this whole massive thread on “can we use the c-word, is it too naughty” when a guy like watevs is swinging through threads like Tarzan essentially calling people c-words, paraphrased, in every other post. I don’t really know why this is tolerated but it appears to be this autistic insistence on the application of “rules”, rather than just having mods with the capacity to spot people consistently being assholes and doing something about it. “Horizontal moderation” sounds to me like a recipe for more dithering and weakness in moderation.


Just to clarify, captains is not a replacement/etc for here. It’s my personal site i just made up. I plan on migrating my long running dog turned sportsball blog thread there from 2+2. I’d don’t allow free-form arguing about politics, religion, or pluto.

What it could be is a place to communicate without this BS that just happened happening, and a way to keep in touch with those suffering under bans. All UnStuckers, excepting current officers, are welcome.

This place is the most weirdly moderated site I’ve ever been on in my entire time on the internet. You’re exactly right in how the "insistence on rules " has broken down. The need to try and make everyone happy all the time is this weird insincere “work family” like bit.

It’s been very clear for a long time a lot of posters here do not like this community nor many, if any of the posters and came from 2p2 to act in the same disparaging ways they did there. And we let it go on for well over a year.


not really. Limited only by your imagination, I suppose. Everyone knows I think ikes is an asshole.

Right, like while everyone else is having a complaint about moderation I may as well also have a go, I very rarely report posts or any of that malarkey but on June 6 I PM’d Wookie quoting this post:

My message was this:

Why is this guy not just banned? He’s made like 1000 threads unreadable and never improved a single one. Just ban him and ignore anyone who complains about it.

Wookie’s reply:

I was so ??? about this that I just rolled my eyes and dropped it. There just seems to be a total obliviousness to the idea of patterns of behaviour, or to the idea of being more tolerant of transgressions from people who generally make good contributions to the forum. It seems instead like every post is considered in a vacuum.