RFC: Permaban Sabo?

The group that targeted multiple posters in a deeply personal and insulting manner over the course of months? Then went off on spam and profanity tirades. Yea it was certainly disgusting

no, people you don’t give a fuck about and are never even considered when doing the very strange tally of “haha you left” vs “ran off”.

Sure, I’m sympathetic to the people who misguidedly chose to back the uk bros. But the uk bros themselves treated this forum like their personal toilet. That’s me being as objective as I possibly can.

It’s a parody at this point. How can these fools not see the unity offered here?

I guess the conversation has ran its course as the cool kids say.

What I’m enjoying about this is that some folks get to hang out in the Cloister of Happiness and make time to rage here. I get it, few if any are distinguishing themselves now but the asymmetry is noteworthy.

How about this, Sabo comes back here but you have to take at least jman to the Conclave of Fraternity under the condition that he does nothing to ban Sabo over there, but should he choose, he gets to conduct himself in the same way there as the garbage we’ve gotten here, deal?


There should really be a forum law against using “we” (and plural you).

How can today’s “events” not make you feel the slightest bit embarrassed? I really can’t imagine what will then.

Sorry, what am I supposed to be embarrassed by? All is fair in love and forum war, apparently.

Sorry @JonnyA. Appreciate you.

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I will imagine this was a genuine question and will genuinely answer -

I’ll recap quickly. Today one member of the group opened a thread about jmakin perma with a poll, asking for some context on what has happened. Some context was given by those are are familiar with the issues. (and honestly i don’t believe anyone who isn’t scared by the answers given)

These members were then accused of -
a) voting for jmakin ban (which they didn’t)
b) voting against jmakin ban as a ruse
c) voting against jmakin bas even though they want to ban him so they won’t look hypocrite (i dunno if it’s good or bad, but it was accompanied by lol).
d) opening a thread about sabo as a troll/tit-for-tat (which they haven’t)

To this team “we” added 2 troll threads and dozens of posts about team “they” in unrelated threads.

And yet somehow it appears both you and Alex came out of today being even more convinced in your prejudice. It’s a mystery to me.

Dude this is exactly what I’m talking about. I can freely say that Jman and CN troll and make a lot of bad posts. This isn’t like some taboo thing to discuss. Yet “uk bros” brings out the fainting couches?
Calling out people who post bad for posting bad doesn’t mean I think they’re evil or like irredeemable. All they have to literally do is post better. I don’t know what the proper analogy is, maybe the paradox of tolerance.

Like the timeline is:

Team A trashes various people in team B for being fake leftists, warmongers, fascists, etc

Alex: Hey this is really fucked up

Yuv: Omg where is the unity

And then the claim that some people were more offended by “uk bros” than by their attacks which I’d prefer not to dig up but surely could. There’s definitely a parody here just not sure who is serious and who is Shirley


And you called them out on it and no one pushed back afaik? Do you see how this is different than the interactions that go the other way around

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And i can freely say that about lots of team ukbrosantivaxtreasonputin. Not sure why you insist on getting a medal.

Who is bringing ‘fainting couches’? All the fainting couches today were brought by jman and company.

None of what you described occurred today. So this is another case where nothing actually matters, except your preconceived notion.

Leaving aside that I didn’t do a-d and do not coordinate my opinions and posts with others who may loosely agree with me, is it truly that mysterious to you that the set of facts that one might use to judge this ongoing debacle go back, say, before today’s events? Like, you don’t just get to flashy-thing over 2 years of bullshit just because today, yeah, “my side” is doing the bulk of the shit posting.

This doesn’t make any sense though. Why did you bother pointing this out today then, when team “we” made the bulk of the shit posting? If even today is a good time to trash team “not we”, then what’s even the point?

They aren’t perma-banned, I’m not even sure who “they” are exactly. Today wasn’t a day where they did anything wrong. So it’s just open season to shit on them at all times regardless of the actual content? Seems really unproductive. Maybe wait until they shitpost, it won’t take very long I’m sure.

I’m not sure what’s supposed to make sense? Are you suggesting that I’m supposed to refrain from expressing a view about the broader conflict because there’s some waiting period I’m supposed to observe because somebody who is not me made some bad posts today?

Well yeah to both. If none of the events that we are discussing matter, none of your posts include any new information and regardless of what happens you will post the same thing over and over it’s borderline spam. Sure you are allowed to post it but i get to point out how bad the content is. And i can do it without woofing!

You’re really stretching. You didn’t like my post, like, cool my man. No need to strain to find a logical chessmate when there isn’t one. Maybe wait until an actual error happens, it won’t take very long I’m sure.

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Yep, the discussion has ran its course. And as always “nothing really matters” declared the winner.

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Also I think you’re too emotional atm to see it, but that post you said contained no new information actually contained a very substantive, if modest, proposal: Sabo comes back Here, the Symposium of Kindness takes jman, fair trade?

I’m very manly and not emotional at all.

I was trying to ignore your troll regarding jman as it shows you in a very poor light, has multiple logical errors and implies ownership over both this community and one of their members. I want to believe you only posted that because you are emotional and did not want to judge you.