RFC: Permaban Sabo?

State one logical error and I’ll never post here again, but you honor the other side of that, let’s go dumbass.

You edited from fuckface to dumbass. Are both correct or just the 2nd one?

Whichever one is more likely to annoy you more, the former being a better description of your motivations, the latter being a better description of how you’re making your case.

State just one logical error I made, I will never post on this forum again; likewise, honor the other side of it. Is coward better?

That would be pretty great if you couldn’t post about old grudges and dramas until ‘new information’ is provided. Imagine not having hundreds of posts rehashing Churchill stuff from months ago! Wheeee

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Does Jman have any say in this? He might not like what he sees.

We’ll take you back for commonWealth, and if we’re negotiating, marty for NBZ?

Oops there’s that “we” thing again, it’s almost as if…

You’re not making any sense. You’re not talking to an apparition.

Let me emphasize that you started this off with me being emotional.

I have no interest in you not posting here. It’s pretty sad to me that you have interest in me never posting again, but that’s your business.

As to your post, jman has no intetest whatsoever in posting in the captains board. The simplest reason that should be extremely obvious is that Sabo posts there. So your equation is between 1) a person who used to be a member of this community and wishes to return to this community and he (and the OP of this thread) feels the process was wrong and 2) a person who has no interest to join a community he was never a part of and therefore never removed from.

But judging by your posts to jal now you are just trolling, so not sure why you want to put more emphasis in your posting instead of admitting its bad or ignoring me.

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I started this off with a post 3 posts ago when there are like 10 posts before that? Please review the thread. I made a comment you didn’t like and your reply was, “How can today’s “events” not make you feel the slightest bit embarrassed?”, and when I expressed some bewilderment as to why you thought I should be embarrassed by something that I literally had no connection to (today’s shit posting of people who loosely agree with me on certain things), you attempted teh SoPhIsTrY to pretend that I made some sort of reasoning error.

Well, fair, I don’t want to not see you post here either. I prefer that you have the charity to hold yourself accountable when you’re demonstrably full of shit.

I didn’t say or imply that jman was interested in posting at the Assembly of Friends. The thought was it is the case that some people post only in this forum while others post in both, so those who post in both may have something akin to moral hazard when they post here, because they’re not as affected by the consequences of their posts here as the people who only post here. You turned that into “multiple logical errors” and seem(?) to continue to insist that that is so. Retract that, you’re completely wrong, it’s okay, people will not think less of you.

Is this more sophistry? I know that you know that I don’t think my posting ‘is bad’, so you understand perfectly well why I may want to “put more emphasis” on it.

No, it doesn’t. Nor does it have anything to do with the thread. Unless your implication is that everyone who posts on the other forum should be perma’d here. I’d say that the connection between perma ban from UP and participation in additional communities (say discord?) is a problematic assumption as well.

Also i find it hard to believe there’s no 3rd forum where you all decided on sophistry as your new go-to insult. It’s time to come clean imo.

In regards to emotion, i think the use of “fuckface”, “dumbass” and the expressed desire to annoy the other user are distinct signs of emotional posting. It’s okay.

I am just taking this as a concession on the narrow point of whether there was even a whiff of logical error in my post. There was none; that you disagree with it is another thing, maybe I’ll get back to you on that.

It is okay, namaste

I find comparing unrelated things to be a logical error. I shall name it false equivalence.
I find using unrelated conclusions to be a logical error. I shall name it ignoratio elenchi.

Namaste indeed. I do like fuckface more than dumbass for future reference.

I’ll have a difficult time posting here is sabo returns. The only person to ever troll me so hard i want him gone.

Did you never consider putting him on ignore?

What pushed me over was pms. But I hear you. I associate sabo with a genuine effort to kill this place with his “let me help you all improve your posting” shit.


For the record, that thread was my idea.

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Quite an objective take LMFAO.

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Was it also your idea for Sabo to post the way he did?