RFC: Permaban Jmakin?

So I think there’s a big difference between making fun of people for posting shit in other forums and cross-referencing screen names to determine a person’s IRL identity. The former I see no issue with. The latter I find to be extremely problematic.

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I’m not going to avert my eyes if someone puts it out there.

There’s a poster in an online forum who some people think is a bad parent and has left enough info that I could call CPS on her if I wanted to. Should I use that info?



I don’t think that’s the same thing at all.

This was super obviously inappropriate and deserves a ban

The captains pearl clutching over this is laughable given their previous actions.

Yes, but in the interest of not wanting to I wont.


Because there’s no comparison and you prefer it looking like there is one

Not going to work.

I posted in the captains thread that Ikes complained to me about being called Ikes, after literally everyone he was worried about finding out already knew he was Ikes

That’s what he’s referring to

I was a moderator and he had sent his complaint to me via PM


No, he pm’d you that he had a safety concern, and you chose to use it to make fun of him and share his safety concern with the captains. Maybe you could admit that what you did was fucked up. It’s no better or worse than what Jmakin did with outing the Captain’s thread.

The “safety concern” was people knowing he was ikes! And some of the hundreds of thousands of 2+2 posts ikes made contained some personal detail or another. Which, no one gaf about ikes’ 2+2 posts and everyone already knew ikes was ikes.

It was a dumb concern worthy of being laughed at.

So a mod sharing that a user had pm’d him about a safety concern, to make fun of that user, to the very posters he was concerned about, is A-OK because “Fuck Ikes,” AMIRITE?

I think it was fine that Chad shared with us the funny detail that ikes PMed him to complain about being called ikes, correct.

You guys fucking love this drama. It’s baffling.


People also watched the Depp-Heard trial.

At least you’re being honest!

I mean, it wasn’t. But that fits just fine too I suppose.

interesting how you and your buds bring them up all the time.

This thread makes it exceedingly obvious that huge amounts of the ‘never ban anyone’ crowd actually meant ‘never ban people I like’. It’s just so exceedingly dishonest, and doesn’t deserve a minute of anyone’s times.

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Ikes got mad when I said it was a safety concern. His contention was that it was not a safety concern, and that I was dishonest by calling it a safety concern.

The safety concern is why I said he was trolling me by sending that PM, which he was, because it is absurd that I could be putting him in danger by being the 30th person to call him Ikes in a thread

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All my friends say he’s telling a lie.

But he speaks with such passion, that I have to think about. And his hands, well they tremble as he points it out