Jmakin is a previously self-banned user, who has had a few gimmick accounts nuked. He has never been permanently banned by any formal process. He is accused of threatening @Vict0ar. Should he be permanently banned from Unstuck politics?
Let’s start with a straw poll to get the discussion going:
Should Jmakin be permanently banned?
Yes he should be permanently banned
No he should not be permanently banned
Edit: Having difficulty making this a public poll.
How are people supposed to vote intelligently if they don’t know the nature of the threat? This is not an encouragement to repeat the threat or publicize the threat, which could impact the person to whom the threat was made.
I did send an abusive PM to victor on 2p2 before anyone goes lying about it. i explained in more detail many places and have apologized and stated very clearly that I have no desire to continue any sort of feud with anyone and want to be left alone.
i started posting on @darth_brooks account mostly on my pet topics I like discussing. i knew someone would figure it out but i didnt go advertising who i was.
i’d also like to clear something up. my accounts were already getting nuked before the PM incident. the reason given iirc was “previously banned user.” i self banned before the rule was even in place that you couldnt make a new account. wasnt even aware of it - and besides, the accounts nuked were created even before my original ban. you can go look at the admin logs to confirm/corroborate this if you really wanted to.
anyway as i explained in the other thread this whole incident has shown me i wont be able to post here even if i want to, which after this has kinda made me decide no. i think i’m owed this process, i think that more people want me here than people probably realize, and i think that no matter what, this threads gonna get mean so I do not intend on reading or posting further. there will be elaborate lies spun, all i ask is you be a bit skeptical of claims here.
I didnt use any info I gained on this forum to do such a thing and like I said you can go in the admin logs and confirm it. I do not have anyone’s private info other than what is already public.
btw im being told you guys wanna make this a private poll now? gee, wonder why, probably a lot easier to make up complete bullshit that way. all i want is transparency here.
I am generally against bans but this one is over my threshold. Doxing / IRL threats and abusing admin powers for his own amusement. I’ll leave it at that.
This is an RFC thread. The vote above is just a straw poll and not the binding vote. This thread is the place to discuss exactly what you are talking about.
Sure, he definitely did. So did @BusinessGenius when he disclosed the details of a private pm sent to him by @CaffeineNeeded in his moderator capacity, to the Captains thread. The breaking of rule 5 does not appear to be a bannable (or even demoddable!) offense.
Edit: Doxxing and/or threats to Doxx and/or IRL threats I agree are worthy of a ban. That is why I am withholding my vote at this time, as so far I’m not sure there’s been a ton of evidence about this posted. If that did happen though, I’d vote to ban.
You misunderstood because I explicitly told you specifically, and the board in general more than once, that people should be aware who I am and any past names
there’s a real twisting and misunderstanding of what “doxxing” actually means.
it isnt doxxing to obtain public info. victor’s shit was on a public github with his exact username/spelling of the screenname, and in practically the root directory theres a common file thats basically “who owns this code” and he attached his full fkn name to it.
that isn’t doxxing, sorry. nor is it illegal, nor did I threaten to do that to anyone. that’s also what I sent him a screenshot of and did not share his info with ANYONE. I did absolutely nothing with the info other than send him the screenshot, which honestly, had i been actually malicious I never ever ever ever would have done that.
I’m selfish in that I want everyone here to forgive each other and to get along. If you guys can’t do that here then what hope is there outside of this box?
Your kindness to me when I relegated myself to whatever is below the ghetto group is a big reason why I’m making this post. (Also, how did I not receive an invite to said group)
Hope everything is well with you and really miss your contributions.
ETA: My joke about the invite isn’t salt whatsoever nor has anything to do with past drama. All about solidarity since I am currently in the poverty trap and scrapping my way out.
If the decision is to ban, then I have what I think is a fairly reasonable and fair request that I’m almost certain someone will conjure up some absurd reason to object to.
It was my understanding of the TOS and how this site works is that it is community owned. This site makes no claims towards owning user’s content. That means then, anything I have posted or written about is mine to do with what I please. I ask then to please remove/delete any jmakin-related account posts or private messages (really the main one @jmakin is all you need probably). Additionally, if it is easily feasible, I’d like copies of all of that, including my PM’s, which I no longer have access to.
The reason I’m asking this is I have no way to combat the frankly pretty bald-faced lying and rewriting of history going on here, and now behind closed doors. Anyone unfamiliar with all this BS should know there’s been a lot of attempts to hide/edit this crap out like it never happened and completely change the story. I dont care anymore, but given the fact people have already taken this into RL several times, and especially given the fact I’ve written extremely personal stuff here, I’m no longer comfortable with it being in the hands of this community.
If anyone objects to that, lol, you’re tattling on yourself.
I’ll be honest, and I say this as someone who likes you and would like to see you continue posting here. While it may not technically be “doxxing” I do not think we should allow users to internet sleuth, figure out who a poster really is, and post those personal (even if they’re publicly available) details. I’m not saying you did that, but I would definitely agree that someone who did that should be banned, immediately.
of course, but that last part of that sentence is key - disclosing the info. I did not do this. That is where it gets very tricky and yucky. I of course fully agree with the principle of this as long as it’s consistently applied. I know for a fact people have been sharing and disclosing my personal info for years. Even knowing that, I STILL did nothing at all other than what I have repeatedly stated publicly many many times now.
if anyone wants to chime in with the bald faced lie of “you posted a PM with people’s personal info!”
like, it’s just blatantly dishonest. Was there personal info there? afaict there was maybe an email address, and like a first name mentioned? I dont know at all because I only read like half a dozen posts total in it. Those were even removed. Of course, no one can even reliably dispute this anymore because all of that was deleted and hidden and edited away.
Even calling it a Pm is a bit hilarious. There was like literally half the staff and forum in there, including an admin and a mod. lol. Okay, ya got me!