New Moderator Confirmation Votes: jman220, MrWookie, commonWealth, and Crunchyblack

Point us to the vote on moderation rules.

This would be a more virtuous way to declare for Mr Walking Carpet than nullifying any votes. There were also a couple members who expressed a desire to change to abstention, but Wookie would still meet the threshold.
(81/121 = 66.9%)

eta: Sorry, bad math.
79 - 2 + 3 = 80
121 - 2 +3 = 122
80/122 = 65.6% (with vic)
80/121 = 66.1% (If you insist on nullifying vic)

Find 2 more yes or just do another vote.

The PM incident happened in what? Summer of 2021? As far as I know he left after that and came back sometime in the spring of this year in the golf thread only. So ~a year? Regardless, it’s been over a year since the incident he’s still being trolled about, he apologized and moved on. Everyone should.

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It depends on the form of democracy.

Some people probably wanted consensus democracy along the lines of Occupy Wall Street, where a small minority can prevent things by wiggling their fingers their wrong way or crossing their arms.

We’ve defaulted to a system where we want more than 50% plus 1 vote to do things, avoiding the tyranny of the majority, but not the nutty requirements of the liberum veto of the Polish Sejm.



I mean sure… if we’re taking people seriously. However they also had a vote to permanently ban jmakin and they decisively lost. They don’t care about ‘democracy’ at all and taking them at their word is foolish.

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I would say that some of them are serious and maybe others not so serious and some of them are serious but only some of the times and would be more serious if things were run the way they want things to run.

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Please do not bring up old beef

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Sincerely, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

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Please do not commit informal fallacies, this is your warning.

Indiscriminate y’alling: an informal fallacy that assumes that a fact about a part of a thing is true for the entirety of the thing.


OK… Enlighten me. What am I missing?

Don’t fall for it AQ!

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Please do not bring up old beef, but if you’re determined to you might like to click on the link you’ve provided and ponder your use of the word “they”.

Even if you hadn’t misidentified the poll OP words like us and them should be avoided wrt this forum.

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Jal it’s they. I voted to ban jmakin permanently. The community disagreed. I let it go. They did not.

did he? That wasn’t my recollection.

From June 2021:


Fair point, I do remember that post but my recollection is more on this paragraph, which I found a bit threatening/disturbing and kind of overshadowed the apology:

Finally, if anyone sees this as a reason to doxx me or cause me any RL harm I would like to remind everyone that I know exactly who has my personal info and who does not. I will figure out who did it, and if you think I’m angry and crazy/deranged now, it should also occur to you that I take things like that very seriously and will go to great lengths to make sure whoever does something like this faces consequences. However, there’s nothing I’ve really written here or elsewhere I wouldn’t mind the entire world knowing about. If you are thinking of trying something - just know it’ll likely be a waste of time and anger me greatly.

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