RFC: Nononocantsleep and/or Rugby and/or otatop For Mod (and 6ix?)


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Still counting 'em up there Jman?

What would you say a “horizontal modding” system is? I mean, they claimed to hate the RFC/voting system that we have now, which seems fairly horizontal to me. If it were truly vertical, there would be no votes. we’d have rules, mods that enforce those rules, and no voting or endless discussions about 3-day bans. It would just happen.

I read that PM thread where they mercilessly mocked the RFC system we have.

How would it truly be different? How would they make mod decisions in this sub forum that would be different than what we have now?

I vote for more mods, yes please. That way I don’t have to worry about this shit anymore, because if it were up to me, hell yes I’d get rid of the stupid RFC and voting on every damned thing system and pin a set of rules, a set of standard consequences for breaking said rules, and I’d nuke the entire “about moderation” style threads from orbit.

No bitching, no whining, if you break the rules, you do the time. Break them again, you do more time. And so on.

I’m a yes for everyone.


Also I’ll be a mod, fuck it why not right?


No on Rugby

Yes on both Otatop & nonstopcan’tsleep

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I don’t want to speak for them as I was not part of the organization of their idea so please read this as my understanding only. I could be very wrong.

I would make a few points that I think they would make,

  1. the rfc system is overly bureaucratic resulting in making it very hard to initiate change. A few would argue it is designed to make change very difficult. I am one of the most regular posters here and I don’t really understand it!

  2. by horizontal I think they want a model where individual mods don’t moderate behaviour with bans, rather the community moderates behaviour with social pressure, ignoring ect. Should something like a ban be required it is via vote. Mods only execute community will, not their own.

  3. any mods that exist must rotate. Not can. Must. This prevents entrenched power base and the accumulation of bias between posters and those with the power to remove them. Mods are basically those with access to the back end, not decision makers.

I don’t see any of these as bad on the face of it. 1 and 3 I generally support. 2 seems a bit of “I wish people weren’t people” but I see no reason it can’t be tried.

The thing they absolutely don’t want is unchained where anything goes. None of the people organizing are racist, sexist, bigoted etc. None of them want a less kind forum. They think this will make a more kind forum.

I think their defining characteristic is they tend to be further on the authoritarian scale than some of us and they bristle at a community model with individuals who are imbued with the sole power to remove people. They see this very idea as anathema to the whole idea of community.



That is what’s currently happening and is like, the entire point


This right here is a good post


Ok, time to move this along to the next step. For each of the following individuals, please choose whether or not to advance them to a community moderator vote:

Advance Nononocantsleep to community moderator vote?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Advance Rugby to community moderator vote?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Advance Otatop to community moderator vote?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

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Wait do people think I was joking about volunteering for modship? Did I need a campaign speech or something?


I think anyone start an RFC about modding someone.

As opposed to just knocking it out here?

Advance 6ix to community moderator vote?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Straight to that with no discussion?

There’s not much to discuss, I’d agree, but as a man of the people I wouldn’t disallow it.

We’re discussing it now, like in the RFC thread for the new subforum there was a poll before any actual discussion. And in previous RFC threads new polls are often added mid-thread as the conversation evolves.

No-Voters, two questions:

  1. Do you object to Old 6ix as well, or just my plaid final form?

  2. Do these objections far overshadow your love for this community and its need for mods?

I’m seeing votes but not much in the way of riveting discussion.

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I think that will come in time. Perhaps you should lay out some of your moderation philosophy and why it is that you want to be a moderator?

FYI, my no votes against rugby and 6ix are only due to others having concerns, not any concerns of my own.

Has anyone expressed concerns regarding 6ix’s prospective modship?