RFC: Nononocantsleep and/or Rugby and/or otatop For Mod (and 6ix?)

These two have volunteered for mod. Any comments in support or against?

Edit: added otatop:

For Rugby, what do you mean by more assertive modding?

Sounds great. Let’s get these suckers volunteers voted in before they change their minds.


He’s welcome to throw his hat into the ring as well. I or someone can edit the OP and title if he wishes. I’m certainly in support of more mods.

I think that’s part of the problem. Not only is it a shit ton of work, but it diffuses responsibility and presumably nip some of this mod hate in the bud.

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Nono would have been my dream pick for mod.

Rarely posts and it’s always a shot of virtue and warmth.


My two cents, it’s hard to see things getting any worse than they have in the last 3 days, and if you need fresh bodies now and that’s factor then ok, but imo we should complete the transition to the new admin first. PMs are now encrypted, hopefully olink’s election reassures everybody that their PMs are safe.

Then, I’d say that before we elect new mods, we need to get a KFCBBQRANCHSAUCE about whether to start the new sub forum. We discuss it, it gets voted in or out; or the sub forum can just be made and the chips fall where they may. While I personally would vote for both of these mods, if PocketChads couldn’t last a month as mod because of the intense and unresolved animosity on the forum, not sure any new mod will.

A little bit of editorializing, one of the annoying things about how this all went down is before PM-gate, a few people seemed to say no valid objections to a sub forum had been raised, that it would just be like oot, like that was a good enough answer. So it’s not exactly the case that no objections were made, I certainly hinted at some, but then another thread about the same topic was made, then we were waiting on JT to write it up etc… Now I don’t know how interforum drama was handled on 2p2, but it seems like we would have to discuss interforum moderation (as dysfunctionally) as we discuss moderation in general, especially if the vote to make a new forum passes, if there is one. Then a vote on new mods make sense to me, because doing this again with new mods but with the same root problems doesn’t sound ideal.

Hey, I read what you posted, as this thread is not throttled by 4 days I can answer if you like, but if not I won’t.

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Deleted it because I thought it was off-topic and didn’t want to derail. Sorry about that.


Been available for over a year. You need to opt in. The feature is not on by default. It needs to be enabled by all parties to a PM for it to work.

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Timeouts for people derailing, being mean spirited, making personal attacks and all around being miserable or unpleasant to be around.

This would be escelating bans rather than permas.

This requires judgement and is dependent on context.

I would ask for community input but then make decisions.

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I’m pro-rugby. No idea who the other guy is but so long as he doesn’t publicize private messages I thnk we’ll be okay.

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That sounds like the exact type of person/poster that we shouldn’t destroy with modship

Am I alone in how this forum populates for me? Like, the “subforums” basically don’t exist for me the way they did on 2+2. Threads all just bump to the top of the main screen by virtue of how popular they are. I DGAF if you guys have your own subforum but the shit in their shouldnt be popping onto the main screen for the average user ESPECIALLY if it’s going to be a politics unchained style free for all. And I don’t care if you DGAF what I think so just going to diffuse that response before you make it, but that is why some of us that aren’t going to participate in your UP P v 7.0 forum care about these discussions.

Why do you keep purposely mischaracterizing their goals? Either you didn’t read the PM or the many public posts or it’s just pure bad faith.

Nobody wants an unchained forum. Nobody wants to be racists, or sexist, or assholes. They want a forum with a horizontal rather than vertical moderation system. That’s it. It’s the version of moderation this whole exercise began with when we all left 2+2. It is hardly some crazy social experiment.


I mean, keep drinking that Koolaid. How many pm threads getting revealed showing you’ve been played for a sucker is it going to take?

A few more I guess. I was played for a sucker by sabo and jal. I admit it. Everyone else genuinely wants a better forum.

I’m pretty convinced you belong in the same category as those two though.

This all started with you and jal and your endless fight.


Jman, how many posts in that thread did you read?


I’m voting for whomever is gonna instaperma Jman220 for the love of all that is holy. Let’s get a reverse BoredStalin up in here.