Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back

I sure hope I podium here. Of the songs I submitted it’s the one I listen to the most

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Greetings Walrussers. Just caught up on tne reveal. Kudos to the Buffy choice.

During early part of lockdown I started watching Damages when working from home meant sitting at a computer doing very little all day. Started of by enjoying it but ended up hate watching the whole thing in about 10 days. That theme song just had the same effect on me as the MRI song on Yuv


@mjiggy @SwankyWilder

You’re both dead to me.


Our eighth place entry with six points was at least an interesting one

Carolina Chocolate Drops - Daughter’s Lament (Hunger Games soundtrack)

This is the point where I started to enjoy my submissions more and had more difficulty rating them, although I didn’t particularly love anything outside the top few. I can definitely dig this and appreciate that it’s something different than most people submitted. I just think I’m a little less likely to listen to it again than the songs that placed above it, although it’s close with the next two. Might’ve been a better selection for NicholasP’s category!

skydiver likelihood: 35%. Relatively high but maybe I’m just being gender-biased at this point. For some reason I thought this was Louis, it probably wasn’t but I’m sticking with it (guess not!)


Does anyone else think this song sounds messy in a bad way or just me?

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Skydiver gonna win, isn’t she?


Oh wait this was probably Nicholas’, I’m dumb.



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As I said upthread I approached your category the wrong way. I was thinking about tv themes and the main title songs from movies. I didn’t even consider that a movie soundtrack contains a dozen other songs besides those.
I had “When I am through with you” in my workout playlist and it worked for me there. Hey, at least I beat Buffy amateur hour, crazy japanese anime song and the song where a turd drops out of a pant leg.


Oh, come here, I can’t stay mad at you…





In seventh place for seven points we have an average result for an average song

TV On The Radio - DLZ (Breaking Bad)

This is fine, doesn’t really move the needle for me much but generally listenable and inoffensive. This band is capable of better from what I’ve heard. Not a lot more to say so just going to move on.


That is quite bizarre, i genuinely 10 minutes ago though about a Breaking Bad cold open I could have chosen.

Not that one though.

I think everything from here on out except the first place song is basically in the same tier and got shuffled around a few times, although the the next song was never on the podium. On the bright side for the submitter it was the highest climber of the category. In sixth place for eight points

(What’s So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding

200 cigarettes sound track - and also a great version on Legion

I probably spent the most time figuring this song out because I initially hated it even though it didn’t seem that bad, maybe even good! Eventually I realized the problem - I absolutely hate the video but quite like the song, a catchy little pop jam that I could see playing again for myself. Costello and his band look like they’re in on some joke the whole time and you’re the butt of it? I don’t know, probably reading to much into it but it made me want to punch him right in those prominently featured teeth.

skydiver likelihood: 50%, quite high as this would’ve been my second guess for her. Maybe this is Pauwl.


Not sure if you will like other TV on the Radio songs better if this one isn’t doing it for you. You could try “Dancing Choose”, “Test Pilot” or “New Cannonball Blues”.

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Mine, and how dare you sir!

I had never heard this song before watching Breaking Bad. The way it is used in the scene is just excellent, and created a bunch of energy to finish out the episode. I had to find it immediately and have listened to it a lot since.

Really interesting how the song can have that impact on me, and for you it is a largely forgettable piece of music that didn’t seem to inspire much of anything. I mean that in a genuine way, not in a “you should like the same stuff I do” way. Just one of the really interesting things about music in general and why Walrus is so interesting!

Thanks for finding time to reveal today JiggyWiggy :-)


Wow I had you pegged on a different song based on our earlier conversation about “different versions.”


Not me.

I’m headed for the podium IMO.


Great song.

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