Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back

I’ve bombed this one, can feel it, but my song is really really great. Like, really great.



I’m excited to see all your incorrect reads. It’s odd though, because my submission for your category was in the dead center of my range. However, based on submissions to my category, you aren’t alone in not knowing what I like :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, in respect for mjiggy’s ratings, I will withhold claiming of my song until the end (or until it becomes obvious)


This is how I almost always feel before a reveal. Even ones where I ended up winning.

My submission here is hot fire!

ETA: Nodium here I come.


I picked a song i like from a soundtrack i like from a movie i liked. Confidence level low.


Normally I have irrational faith in your tastes, but I feel like jiggy’s dropped enough hints about his thinking that I’m in deep trouble.


You’ll either love or hate mine

Probably hate, given my track record


The standout track of this category was not the winner but instead this head-scratching, no doubt nodium submission.

Walk Through the Fire by the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Whoever submitted this may have earned only one point but you’ve earned something arguably more important: my respect for your YOLO attitude. You had the entire history of film and TV at your disposal and you decided that what I really might enjoy is this amateurish production by a cast of clearly untalented singers, highlighted by Sarah Michelle Gellar sounding like she is six years old. Maybe you were just taking a shot that I was a Buffy fan but sadly I’ve never seen a single episode of the show. Truly a simultaneously awful and wonderful submission.

skydiver likelihood: 25%. Doesn’t feel like her at all but I bumped it up a bit because every single Buffy fan I know IRL is female. I honestly have no idea who sent this, maybe NBZ?


Yes, this was me.



but I actually am a Buffy fan, and this episode was critically acclaimed and a fan favorite


I’m that weird Buffy fan who has season six as my second-favorite season.

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I’m sure at least one poster is going to come in here and tell me that I don’t understand music but unfortunately this song just isn’t my style. In 12th place for 2 points:

Mogwai - Helicon 1 (from Beautiful Boy)

I imagine some people find this to be quite beautiful but I was bored by it and was ready for it to be over well before it ended each time.
skydiver likelihood rating: 75%. For some reason I thought this was her’s, now I’m thinking it’s probably the GOAT(ynski).


2 songs in and skydiver-likelihood already at 100%. I am confused.


I suspected as much and perhaps that the gravity of the moment overwhelmed the fact that this song is not very good.

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He rated each one separately, I think.

This is also not mine, but being compared to GOATnitski is a compliment, right?

I do like this for ambiance, though


They do not add up to 100%, they add up to whatever I feel like they should add up to.


Buffy was a good show and this is a … bold submission.


Now, I kind of want to do a Buffy/Angel rewatch thread.

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It was me. I saw them do it in a pub in Dundee years ago and it was amazing and you can’t take that away from me.


I’ve always liked Mogwai when they come up but never really done a deep dive. Where to start?

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That was their first great single, so is a decent place.

I think they lost it slightly after the second album, but Young Team, CODY and then the early singles collections Ten Rapid and EP+6 are irreprochable.