Reveal Thread: Walrus Grab Bag 2 - The Walrus Strikes Back

It’s not going to be me. I have a tentative order based on first listen, but nothing written up.

based on my first listen, I’m feeling @mjiggy’s pain. So much meh, and a few people that can’t follow directions! Hopefully I hear something more on my next few listens. Also one person that is just really unlucky.

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I was too harsh with my initial analysis but my category suffered from a lack of stuff I really enjoyed except for a few songs; seems to be a theme for a few of us.

Anyway I think I’m going to start mine in in a few hours and maybe just take a break somewhere in the middle but this way I’ll be able to get it done and stop breaking promises. Will tag everyone when it’s closer and more definitive.


i mean, there’s really nothing I hated in mine like @Yuv hates MRI machines, but I only got a couple that stand out. Makes the podium easy, but the rest is going to be a challenge to rank.

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If Canadamatt doesn’t win your category, we riot.


I should also mention that I only have a very vague guess on who submitted what, and only for a couple of the songs. So anything is possible!

I’m always wrong

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My submission to your category is one of the most confident I’ve ever put forward

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Not sure why I feel this way, but this seems ominous for you. Probably because my personal track record is that the entries I feel best about invariably tank, and I’m projecting.

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I really like mine for yours so that probably means last again :joy:

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I also liked mine for skydiver’s category. That can’t be good.

Not so confident about my mjiggy entry but that wasn’t really a category for me to excel in.

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Me neither. I think I had the completely wrong approach for this category and I am afraid I need to fade the nodium.

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I really like my jiggy song.

That being said, I’m confident in my low placement

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I just realized i mixed mjiggy and matt’s categories in my head, but i got lucky cause i’m not confident of both

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Uh oh, hopefully you didnt pick two songs from Final Fantasy: Advent’s Children because that will end poorly for you

Is there i did not understand that reference gif? :(


Category host name: MJiggy
Category: A song from a movie or TV show.
Musical tastes I’ve made a reputation for myself (at least in my head) for liking popular music but I wouldn’t say that’s exactly accurate. I listen to some popular stuff but like a lot of alternative/indie rock, some hip hop, and just generally like being exposed to different genres of music although I definitely lean more towards “rock” these days.
Any other judging notes For this category I really don’t want songs that were commercial hits. They can be from popular pieces of work but I will dock points if I would be expected to already be familiar with the song. I’ve immensely enjoyed the soundtracks of several movies released over the past few years but I won’t say which because people might pick them. Also they do not have to be in English; I don’t watch anime but I do sometimes like songs from it. Please identify the source of the song for my category (specific movie or TV show in addition to artist and song name).

Reading this over, I can see why I received some of the songs I did. What I was going for was that feeling of hearing a song on a soundtrack that you immediately click with, then going to look up the rest of it for other potential hidden gems. I probably should have been more specific and gave some examples of songs/soundtracks I’ve enjoyed recently, including the aforementioned Into the Spiderverse (unfortunately most of the songs off of it were decent-sized hits so people might have been concerned with getting penalized), Booksmart, and…I’m a little ashamed to say this but To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before had a great soundtrack (my wife will watch anything vaguely romantic). Anyway there’s obviously tons of good stuff out there so I’m a little bummed that I was only really rocked by a couple of songs but this is the way of the walrus.

I think I have a decent feel for what people are submitting but there were like four or five times that I was sure I was listening to skydiver’s submission, so I created a “skydiver likelihood scale” (with her permission). Based on our conversation and some other information she shared, I’m pretty sure I was dead wrong!

Let’s get ready to get started @Yuv @seities @Rivaldo @LouisCyphre @pyatnitski @Pauwl @Nicholasp27 @SwankyWilder @eyebooger Probably in an hour or less.

(not posting any songs I like well enough to use for a future walrus but this is a decent little jam imo)


I didn’t ping people who were already actively posting, don’t feel left out.

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I drove cross-country 20+ hours, arriving yesterday morning. This was the first thread I checked and I’ve finally caught up with other threads after missing a day of posting.