Just the summary imo. I dont think anything extra comes from the food log and its more arduous for you.
I have the day off tomorrow so will do some meal prepping chicken and vegies for lunch and a beef lentil vegetable lasagna with the emphasis on vegetables. I’ve been working late and it’s hard getting motivated to cook at 9pm at night. Last few days I’ve been surviving on store bought chicken schnitzels turned into a schnitzel salad sandwich. I’m missing vegetables and fibre a lot.
My garden is a bit of a mess but there are some gems amongst it. Need to put a couple of hours efforts in to tame the jungle.
I’ve sliced my thumb open quite badly. I would post a pic but I am pretty sure I would throw up at it.
At least I’m in good company.
I somehow have never managed to slice myself cooking, despite growing up watching Yan Can Cook.
It was really late and I was rushing because I just wanted it done. At least I get out of food prep and washing up for a little while. Bright sides and all that!
It’s even more embarrassing because I was chopping lettuce
I spent hours in the garden yesterday, weeding, preparing beds and planting. I have about 11 of my 17 beds planted now. I have cauliflower, broccoli, leeks, onion, spring onion, red cabbage, rocket, lettucex3, strawberries, garlic, radish, zucchini x3, cukex2, tomatoes x3, habanero, basil, sage, rosemary, parsley x2, lemon thyme, mint x2 and oregano. Probably some other stuff I forget. Will get stuck in another day and fill up more beds.
I think I may have been blood stunned and exaggerated my thumb injury as it’s healing up quite nicely now