Request Product Recommendations ITT!

This doesn’t really answer the earbud question asked, but thought I’d put it out there that these cheapies have been my headphones for 10+ years now. Good sound IMO, the squishy marshmellow style does a phenomenal job at blocking out sound, comfortable for long period (moreso than a pair of over-ear Bose noise-cancellings that I have), and dirt cheap - so I never worry about them breaking, or me losing them, etc.

Edit: They break and wear out and stuff happens, so 1 pair doesn’t last 10 years. I probably buy a new one every 18-24 months. But still, for the price, and the likelihood that expensive headphones aren’t lasting 10 years either, I still think I come out ahead.


I also go with cheap wired earbuds. Mostly for podcasts while walking. Have tried cheap wireless ones but even those I’m afraid of losing and would rather not deal with recharging yet another device.

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Follow up on earbuds. At the recommendation of a friend, decided to go with the Beats True Wireless.

Comparing to my old Jabra earbuds the sound quality is definitely on point.

Any snorkel gear recommendations? Going on a trip next month and plan on doing a decent amount. I don’t want to spend a bunch since the snorkeling in Indy isn’t the best.

I don’t know brands but absolutely do not buy the cheap stuff. Paying a bit more will literally make or break the experience. Needs good seal, easy dewatering ect. I used a full face version once which was awesome but I think they are pricey.

I found a lot of the full face mask ones which I didn’t even know existed.

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You can usually just rent places for like $10/day which seems much more convenient than packing it or buying. Especially if you’re going to want fins too.

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Update on my Beats earbuds. The connection kept cutting out, rendering them useless, so I got a refund from Amazon. Sucks because they really sounded great.

This is a product rejection. I got the

Logitech MX Vertical Wireless Mouse

And it works fine as a Logitech mouse but it is big, like very big. I have bigger than average hands and it still dwarfs mine. So if you have bear paws and are looking for a mouse that can fit them then go with this, otherwise try something else. Also it’s expensive.

So far for vertical mice, the Anker mouse has been perfect for me but Logitech has got me with being able to use one mouse for multiple computers.

I’m going to try the Logitech Lift next. Supposedly it’s smaller so we’ll see if it works out

I have the Anker as was recommended earlier itt. It’s fine 99% of the time. The 1% is a delayed response, lost curser, or bad batteries. Some of that is Windows 11 update crap and that I don’t ever turn it off. Good luck with the Logitech; I must have 2 or 3 old ones in a drawer I don’t know what to do with. They don’t seem to last.

Going to buy a big ass TV. We watch a lot of TV, and I watch a ton of sports.

Willing to pay more if it’s worth it, so should I basically just get the LG C2 OLED?

I have the C2, got the medium size for mom and the small for me. It’s fantastic. Like all OLEDs it will perform better in darker rooms. If you are watching football (either variety) in a brightly lit room it can get washed out a bit. But in return in dark rooms you get perfect blacks/cinema quality.

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“Worth it” is completely subjective based on your tastes.

In my main TV viewing room, I got whatever the best LG OLED available was. In another room I got something that was the same size, but less the half the cost. I guess if I really paid close attention I could notice some differences, but my enjoyment of TV watching is the same on both screens. It doesn’t matter to me at all. I might be weird in this regard.


I may be in for a long drive in my dilapidated old car soon. My back and butt hurt just thinking about it. I also get like a cramp at the base of my ribs. Maybe it’s just bad posture. Any recommendations for devices or whatever to make the ride less painful? The cheaper the better.

Swim trunks that don’t chafe? Looking to be able to go swimming in the middle of a hike, not have to change or walk around in wet underpants.



I got LG OLEDs in 2019. They are great for everything except football. The football disappears on throws, some kind of motion artifact. Playing with the settings can make it better, but still not great (and the settings suck for other types of programming so you have to switch back and forth when not watching football). Don’t know if this has gotten better since 2019

That’s weird. I got an LG OLED in 2019 and I haven’t noticed this problem at all and I watch a ton of football.

Edit: It looks like it was actually early 2020

When it first happened I looked into it and saw that it was a pretty common gripe. Most people said they fixed it by turning off a motion smoothing setting. That helped a little for me, but it was still noticeable. Maybe it’s different depending on your video source (I’m mainly using Directv for football)?

I also use DirecTV for football and legit never noticed it. It could be that it is actually a problem, but I just didn’t notice. I’ll focus on it next season.