Request Product Recommendations ITT!

I’m looking for a Parka recommendation. Something that can withstand 0F-20F temperatures while I walk the dog 2-3 times per day.

These two caught my eye, but I’d love to get something a little cheaper:

I need a new computer used solely for downloading and serving torrents via hdmi to my tv.

I have a desktop now but it is getting painfully slow.

What minimum specs do I want?

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Pretty sure one of these can handle that for cheap.

Raspberry Pi would work but they’re hard to come by nowadays

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With the pi4, you can attach an ssd (I guess technically you can do this on older models but without USB3 it will be painfully slow) but watch out, if you use a USB m2 storage enclosure some of the chipsets have compatibility issues with the pi (get one that has a Realtek chipset)

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Thanks for the pi idea but honestly I’m willing to pay more for out of box ease of use.

Hey! Thanks for this recommendation. Was looking through the various ninja models and saw a couple at Bed Bath and Beyond eligible for those meme-worthy 20% off coupons. Would you care to comment at all on the FG551 ($200, $250 with 20%) vs the AG302 ($145, $180 with 20% off)?

Go for the FG. It has greater capacity, a premium UI, and an integrated temperature probe. It’s worth the $55 step-up.

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Christmas is saved. Thanks!

Looking for a tablet recommendation for one I basically want to use as a portable TV, and I know little about tablets. I have a cheap Amazon 10 tablet I’ve been using, which has agreement issues that made it a pain to install YouTubeTV and now won’t allow FuboTV, and has generally shitty performance (super slow charge, bad connectivity issues). I got what I paid for though, think it was like $150. I won’t be running any memory intensive software or graphics programs, just something to watch sports and apps (Fubo, Netflix, HBO etc) and surf the web, hopefully have quality Bluetooth connectivity. For up to $500 what seems like the best I could do?

Have you considered a Chromebook? That’s what I use mine for. Larger screen and you can position it nicely if you get a 2-in-1.

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FYI Costco has some deals on Samsung tablets. You can get a 12.4" S7 with keyboard and an S pen for $500 after their $100 discount. It’s fancy beyond my experience so I can’t offer a value judgement but I would say about these bigger tablets that they’re too heavy to hold in your hands for very long.


I* appreciate the suggestions, will check out both

*current Costco member

iPad easy choice. Great screen and audio.

Chrome book will be cheaper but will have much worse audio and screen.

If it is for tv those things matter.


TV upgrade news! I bought a Sony Bravia XR65A80J (OLED) and had it installed this week. (Old TV moved down to the basement). The picture is absolutely astounding, so I’m obviously very happy with it. I’m not sure how it compares to the LG, but my “TV guy” (who I bought through and who installed it) said he definitely preferred the Sony to the LG.

Very glad this thread encouraged me to go OLED - thanks!


Does anyone have any experience using picture by picture for their monitor? Ideally I’d want to have my personal computer and work computer open and showing at the same time and ideally I’d want it to be on one large monitor so when I’m not working I can watch movies, game, etc on a large monitor instead of a smaller dual monitor setup. Or would a dual monitor edgeless setup work just fine?

Bought a Pixel 6 based on recs here and my own research, but I think I’m going to return it and get an iPhone 13 Pro instead.

I love the camera and the big screen. Main issues were I wasn’t able to transfer data from my old phone, despite following the instructions for how to do so, and it’s also quite a bit heavier than I expected.

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I got the 13 Pro and really like it. After seeing the photos and video a numpty like me was able to get with it my wife upgraded from her 12, and my Mum updated from whatever she had.

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Anybody ever bought a zero gravity chair? Happy with the purchase or not?

I’m looking for a kitchen table plus chairs and a bench. The current table has served its purpose($25 off Craigslist) but is now falling apart, quite literally. It also serves as a home office due to Covid.

I know approximately the style, size, a few chairs, and a bench I want. I’ve discovered that the cost for what I’m looking for can range quite dramatically. One or two places around here will build made-to-order by the Amish. Those are very much the higher priced ones. I really really hate the question “is it worth it” because obviously it’s all relative. The tables for better than half the price at other stores seem very similar in look/design. But I’m not up to speed on the quality/make or type of wood used for a table.

Any advice on where to start? Resources to review? Or recommendations on places to go?

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