Request Product Recommendations ITT!

I probably wouldn’t use that feature super frequently but there are certainly some instance I could see that being useful.

I’ve seen people recommend that route (using a TV) before, but I’ve also seen people recommend against it. Supposedly “monitors” (as opposed to TVs) are set up more for things like sharp text and lines, etc. I don’t have enough technical knowledge to argue one way or another, so I’m just relaying what I’ve read.

@Coasterbrad , what kind of laptop do you have? Do you know if it has a high-DPI (Apple calls this “Retina”) screen?

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Lenovo Yoga 730 15". Screen resolution 1920 x 1080 (Full HD).

If you didn’t want to go gigantic, you could look at 24-inch or so “Full HD” monitors. We use a lot of the P-series Dells at work and have good luck with them.

Or you could bump up a size and resolution to 27-inch, 2560 x 1440:

I’m sure there are cheaper monitors out there, but my approach with monitors is to avoid bargain-basement and go for a little more quality, figuring I will have it for a while (a decent monitor can last the life of a couple computers in my experience).

You can also look at 4K screens, but I’m not sure if it would be worth it for you if you’re currently used to using a “regular” DPI screen. Plus Windows historically has had difficulty with multi-monitor setups where the screens have widely different resolutions.

(Note: I’m not an authority on this stuff but have some experience with IT support in an office setting.)

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Thanks for the recommendations. While I am passably tech literate I don’t really know a whole lot so I appreciate your insight.

IDK either, that may be but at 4k I can’t imagine a normal human doing spreadsheets and stuff could tell. There are definitely some things that you need a “real” monitor for - fast-twitch gaming is one, where higher refresh rates will make a big difference.

Monitors will tend to have doodads like USB-C ports and the ability to pivot as mentioned, but most people don’t care about pivoting (I used to run two monitors in portrait mode and one in landscape but I never moved them back and forth between modes and I’m really weird). I’m pretty OK with my current setup (27" apple thunderbolt display and two 24" normie non-4k displays, all mounted on ergotron gas arms) but I have thought about just trashing all of that and throwing a 42" 4k display up on the wall.

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A laptop at 1080p probably can’t do hdmi out to a monitor higher than 1080p so just get a 24’ 1080p one which will be about $150. Or used because they’ll be everywhere. But it will probably have porn burned into it and mysterious stains.

Normally when I make a purchase I do an obnoxious amount of research, spend a couple weeks waffling back and forth, hunt for the best deals, and then buy. Didn’t feel like playing that game today for some reason. Got this Samsung 34" WQHD at Costco for $269.

Just hooked it up. Haven’t used it yet so I’m sure it will take some getting used to, but holy shit did it immediately quadruple my screen real estate. First impression I really like it. Going with this size I may have liked a curved one more, but the price increases for those are a bit much. The
3440x1440 resolution doesnt seem to be an issue right now.
Thanks again for the input.


Yeah, I bought 34 inch monitor last year and, while it’s nice to have this much real estate, I really wish I had spent the money for a curved version.

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Ugghhh. I wish I could try one out for a few days to see what I like better. Will have to see what stores have the best return policy.

4k-capable laptops have been a thing for 5+ years at least, even though their built-in display is probably 1080p

Damn. You bet a lot of baseball.

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Dinger Tuesday. One of the best promos around!

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Damn, I wasn’t expecting you to fire on a jumbotron lol! I’m glad you like it so far.

Good natured hint: I think with a screen this size you could experiment with non-maximized application windows.

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It seemed like a good deal and had good reviews, so I figured I grab it and finalize my decision over the next few days. Will definitely experiment with options to see what works best for me.

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Costco doesn’t have the curved model? I’m given to understand their return policy is pretty liberal. Though idk if that applies to electronics so much.

They had zero curved models on the floor, which I was surprised at. Wanted to see one in person to get a better feel for it but didn’t have the option.

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This is what I do and then I end up unhappy anyway. Currently doing this with gaming headsets/headphones although I’m actually pretty happy with the first ones I bought. Still planning on trying a few more out just for the heck of it.


Any product recs for a welder for my garage? I don’t know how to weld yet but I want to build a kayak trailer from a Harbor Freight trailer or a jet ski trailer. My grandpa had no formal welding training but welded pieces of tractors and combines and shit without issue so I should be able to figure out some basic shit I imagine. That and most meth heads I know are or have been welders it seems like.

I like a setup like this. It’s perfect for my 2015 Forester XT. It has a CVT transmission that can barely tow any weight. I will be adding a tranny cooler before towing.

Traveling with that tool box and a kayak along with a roof tent or roof rack on my car would be a lot of storage space.

I towed a 10 ft pram on a pretty beefy trailer with a 2014 Forester with the CVT transmission and it was fine

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