Request Product Recommendations ITT!

Ay caramba! My wrist and forearm are hurting. Time for an ergonomic mouse. Wireless required, preferably with BT option. Recommendations appreciated.

I’d been having issues with my run-of-the-mill Logitech M510 lagging* so I got a cheap generic bluetooth model, which is lighter and too small for my hand. Lag fixed but it annoyingly goes to sleep at times. And what used to be intermittent wrist pain is obviously worse.

*Possibly due to interference. This might be fixed just by putting the receiver at the end of a USB cable nearer the mouse. I’m going to try this and go back to the old mouse for now.

I have a recommendation, but I hate wireless mice, for the reasons you mentioned along with others, so I’m stubbornly going to suggest a wired mouse:

This works great for me for general productivity and web dev type work. Good size for my hand, not too heavy or light, precise, predictable. Purchased in January 2018 and still going strong. Only drawback is that it has an incredibly bright white “taillight” that you can’t turn off.

There’s a fancier version that I think I read whose light is configurable:

They do have wireless mice with this general shape (although I can’t attest to them personally), so you could look into them if wireless is truly a requirement.

Thanks. Wired is out for me though. Back in the poker days the wire would occasionally get hung up at a critical moment, reinforcing my general hate for wires, so no more.

Looking around it looks like my asks are too restrictive. I’m convinced that the pain is from having to rotate my hand into an unnatural position on a regular mouse. So I want to try something that allows a more vertical position of my hand.

If my experiment with the receiver works out I’d accept a proprietary receiver type.

Re: your mouse taillight, you can disable it by clipping the LED leads, assuming you can get to them. You could drill through the lens if you had to. Of course, there’s a slight chance of doing extra damage so whether you try it or not depends on how much you hate it.

Looks pretty easy. Just cut one of the wires going to the LED.

Okay… I do think some of the characteristics of wireless mice could contribute to wrist pain, in particular that little hesitation before they move the pointer in response to physical movement. And the way they act when the battery is getting low.

Anyway, I have worked with a few people who have used the wired versions of this company’s mouse. The products seem solid:

RE: the LED on my mouse: I figured out a way to “park” the mouse with one edge lifted off the desk, which turns off the light. Thanks for the pic though!

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Costco is awesome.

I basically use it for:

-Alcohol (Whiskey at great prices, Beer at ok prices)
-Crab Meat (the canned crab meat is great for crab cakes and way better prices than grocery stores)
-Paper goods (Paper Towels, TP, Plastic Forks/Cups etc)
-Berries and other produce but not super often
-Kitchen staples like salt/pepper, spices, olive oil and vinegars
-Toiletries like toothpaste, razors, floss, etc.


I used an evoluent back in poker days. Poker fucked with my carpal tunnel or something. Gaming and office work at my computer don’t at all.

Moving the Logitech receiver closer to the mouse (or away from the computer case) seems to fix the lagging problem.

The price is right on that Anker mouse so it might be worth trying to see if the style works for me.

I’m throwing out a couple of old mice I found in boxes. A laser mouse the buttons had stopped working on and an old wired ps/2 mouse. Made me think about how many I’ve owned. Counting the 2 that are frustrating me atm, maybe a dozen or so over ~30 years of mousing? Less than 1 every two years. Not that many?

Mrs j got one through her work and brought it home for lockdown. I’d been suffering from some annoying pain in my mouse hand for a long time, and gave hers a go. Next day I bought one.

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Thinking about it, I suspect that changing mice like I’ve been doing can itself be part of the problem. Even small changes in how you position your hand or operate the mouse and suddenly you’re using muscles in different ways than you’re used to. For that reason I don’t necessarily expect immediate relief but I will order one up. ATM I’m avoiding my desktop machine and taking ibuprofen. Thanks for the recommendation. And thanks to the Mrs!

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Learn more keyboard shortcuts. Use VIM whenever possible.

@microbet gives too much homework.


So we’re starting a kitchen remodel Monday and need to replace appliances. Looking for a 4 piece package deal more than likely. Are all brands basically the same now if you’re not going high end? Should we just get whatever is the best deal at Costco for a matching package?

I think your assessment is pretty accurate. Can’t really go wrong with Costco, imo.

I’m not even convinced high end is really that much better for anything other than aesthetics.

Just did a remodel and I would have gone with the Costco stuff, but wife really had her heart set on the same type of Wolf appliances that came with the house (but were very old). I’m sure you can guess what ended up happening.

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I’d like to get a second monitor that I can hook my laptop up to. More screen real estate for web browsing, spreadsheeting, and sports betting. Don’t need anything too fancy. Any good places to look?

Wait for something refurbished that fits your needed specs on Woot?

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Assuming your laptop has an HDMI port, just get the biggest 4K tv in your budget at costco

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I considered going that route but not sure I would like having a significantly larger screen next to or above my laptop screen because eit may feel…awkward? Cumbersome? I dont know. Although all that extra screen real estate would be awesome. Hmmm

One of my monitors can swivel between horizontal and vertical. Does that feature have value for how you plan to use it?