Request Product Recommendations ITT!

I use the free version of LastPass.

It’s fine, but I dislike that I can’t see my sites in table form.

I use keepass on a PC and an android tablet and phone. Are there features that make keepassXC preferable?

It’s been so long since I switched, I don’t really remember. Does keepass have browser integration? (I don’t really use the browser integration too much FWIW). XC seems to be updated more frequently. Also, on the mac, XC can use touchID, I would guess they can do likewise on android though I don’t know for sure).

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I’m not sure what the advantage of browser integration is. keepass doesn’t have it but the auto-type feature works well enough on the PC. The only thing I don’t like about it is it’s kind of klunky on android. I don’t see a way to use keepassXC on android so not really worth looking further. Thanks, though.

I got a NordicTrac from Costco. It’s been working for 12 yrs. I had it repaired once about 4 years ago and the technician said it had more miles on it than just about any residential one he has ever seen. It cost about $1000 and I think I paid about $300 to fix the issue it was having, but I likely would have paid even more, because getting rid of a treadmill and putting in a new one is a huge pain.

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For working out at home, we just got a Concept2 Home Rower. Part of it is personal preference for rowing over treadmill running or stationary bike, but we love it so far. Cost about $1000, stands up so it stores pretty compactly even though it needs a good bit of space to operate.

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The printer we got with my wife’s laptop 12 years ago finally died after giving us a hard time for most of it so we need a new one. Light home use, color (I can print B&W at work), most important thing is probably low maintenance and ink that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. I don’t know much about the subject so general recs are fine although narrowing it down would be great (laser vs inkjet, etc). Hoping to spend $100 or less just because we don’t use it much, however $150-$175 is acceptable. Thanks!

Printers are commodities now. Buy whichever one is on sale and cheapest. They are all the same. Unless you need Scanning etc.


For home use when you’re not printing much, spend the dough on a laser printer. Inkjet ink dries up after not using for a while. I got tired of throwing away inkjets every year or two and finally sprung for a brother laser printer that’s been going fine for the last 4 or 5 years. I don’t print much in the house.

My laser is B&W and scans, I can print color at work if needed. I think it was under $130. Check for any holiday deals on printers.

If you don’t need scanning this is probably fine:

If you need scanning and color, you’re probably looking at the $200 range, but, it’ll last you forever, so will the toner.

I used to buy an inkjet and a refill of ink and I never, ever managed to to use the refills before the inkjets went tits up.

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Thanks this is basically perfect, don’t need scanning but would like color so may have to shell out a bit more and then won’t have to buy more toner.

I agree with Fatboy re inkjets. I had an old HP color laser that worked great but it was huge so I gave it to my sister last time I moved. I occasionally need to print but didn’t want to spend much and ended up getting… an inkjet. FML

If you need color you can see if you can find this one:

Looks like it’s only in-store. Here’s a brickseek link to see if any Staples near you has it:

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When we needed a new printer a couple of years ago my wife was convinced we needed a color printer for random kid projects. I was like lol no we’re not spending an extra 200 dollars to use color printing twice a year. I promised her that whenever she needed a color print we could print to FedEx and I would be the one to drive five minutes to pick it up.

I’ve picked up like 5 prints over 3 years. Our brother black and white laser printer has been perfectly fine and I actually bought a second one to have in my office during the pandemic.

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I own 3 of the $90-100 Brother wireless laser printers. They are very good for basic uses.

My Brother inkjet has lasted over twice as long as any other inkjet I’ve had. A long time ago, I had a massive laser printer that my school was getting rid of in the late 90s. Super heavy and lasted a decade.

Anyone have a Whoop? I thought about getting my wife one for Christmas instead of her Apple Watch.

Hay guise anyone know of a good set of headphones I can get for only $550?


Check the audiophile thread.

Lol that’s a pretty big budget. What kinds of things do you need this headphone to do?

It’s a joke about the airpod max.