Relocation in light of SCOTUS decisions

She’s already a long way from her family and friends in Brazil, and most of the friends you mention seem to be online.

Either you think having ICE kicking your door in is a significant possibility, in which case emigration is logical, or you don’t in which case what is this all about?

Once you have EU citizenship you could move to Spain to play poker.

it’s honestly sad that you just can’t stop yourself.

Yes which sucks a lot for her and makes me sad, and yet doesn’t mean that it’s better for us both to be far away from our families, or for the time zone difference to get significantly worse for her.

Lol no

Or I think it’s such a bad outcome that even a low risk of it is worth considering thoughtfully. Hmm maybe if I’d said that, you’d know. I should have said that. Oh, wait!

I went to a couple casinos in Spain on my trip there and the rake was astronomical. Doesn’t seem realistic as a live poker pro spot.

…which is where emigration comes in. Would probably be nice for her to be able to speak her first language too while adjusting to the Euro life.

Re, rake. Wouldn’t the softer games more than compensate?

You might as well suggest moving to Brazil.

How easy is it to acquire EU citizenship?

Yes that’s another possibility for them but I don’t know what the poker games are like in Brazil. I guess the rake might be higher than he’s used to.

It isn’t. That’s why jal’s comment received backlash. Even if it’s legally easy (marriage or family route), it still takes years to go through the process.

It does feel like a bit of unnecessary concern to me. you’re never going to find anywhere in the country where you’re foolproof safe, even right now - if the things happen you’re afraid of they’re not gonna give a crap about very arbitrary lines they’re allowed to operate in. they’ll either ignore those lines or expand them. we already saw the worst worst case scenario here with trump which Biden hasn’t even rolled back that much - recently he was begging sanctuary cities in CA to pretty please cooperate with BP.

that’s why I recommend sanctuary cities. even if they give BP unlimited power, you’d want to be in a city that’s actively giving the feds the finger. they really get crippled without local support.


Can confirm, the casinos in Spain (at least Barcelona) suck. Uncapped rake is a crime against humanity.


Americans don’t understand how good they have it, rake-wise.

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Yeah. Euros seem to treat poker like table games. Basically their philosophy is that these are not intended to be games where a player should win money in the long run. They are just forms of entertainment that the player is paying for.

It kind of seems like they are right? Beating an uncapped rake game long term seems like it would need a combination of you being really fucking good at poker and consistently sitting in the softest games imaginable.

Yeah, at those levels of rake they are correct.

My point is that they don’t set lower levels of rake because they are not interested in attracting winning players. I’m not saying this is the right approach, but it is clearly what their approach is.

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Worst country in the world, except for all the other ones.

Title probably sucks so feel free to fix. Just thought this deserved it’s only thread as it’s hit 100 posts.


This is the type of quality modding that no one seems to consider when they’re voting on mods. I really don’t give a shit whose team you’re on. But if you’re willing to roll up your sleeves and unclutter/recategorize threads to make the forum experience better, that is way more important to me.


That’s sort of the way to treat it unless you’re playing for a living.

Makes it a lot less stressful.

Read through the past 2 days of this thread. 1) Anybody suggesting Albany has clearly never been to Albany. 2) There doesn’t seem to be nearly enough appreciation for how fucked the climate is and how dystopian the red states are becoming. The entire Southwest and Austin in particular are terrible choices. 3) Ruling out Denver because of snow is ridiculous. The front range is gorgeous in the winter. It’s always sunny and it rarely gets very cold.


You guys act like this 100-mile range is something the government will honor in good faith as if they won’t change it to 300 miles on a whim. It’s like those old TV shows where dudes can cross the county line and the sheriff has to stop pursuing them, that’s not how things will play out in a police state.


So is your insinuation that all of Brazil is favelas, or just that my girlfriend comes from the favelas?

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