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Banned jal for a few days for sending abusive PMs.

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jman silenced for one week for a personal attack on churchill - posting a clip saying “some people are really fucking stupid.” (the post has also been deleted)

I’m open to giving people lots of leeway to push back on churchill (and plenty of people already did), but (1) jman’s post went over the line to a straight personal attack and (2) it seems he’s only here now to settle grudges, as he’s not posting any actual content, but only engaging in personal fights with church and keed.

I let his first post go a week ago when he called church a “spectacular piece of shit,” but not letting this one go.


CaffeineNeeded silenced for one day for trolling/personal attacks for the following “lol y’all are fucking pathetic.” (the post has been deleted).

I’ll add another note here since normally I wouldn’t take action on this, but I’ve warned CN via PM a few times to stop the petty bickering, and he pretty much has ignored those requests. He also started the fight with church this time by misinterpreting a BBC article to be blaming gays for Monkeypox.

Again, I’m fine with pushing back hard on church when he posts misinformation or whatever, but this seemed over the line (especially after my prior warnings).


Permanently silenced darth_brooks, since it is a new account created by jmakin and his old account is perma’d.

To stop any potential fights about this before they start, this was not specifically requested by anyone (“captains” or otherwise). I did it because I think rules are clear you can’t create new accounts to avoid a ban. Personally, I would probably let him post (I’m also not super familiar with all the prior drama), but I’m not going to pick and choose when perma rules are enforced and when they aren’t.

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Reversed by user request.

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I edited this post to make it more generic when talking about location

Re permbanned jmakin at @jman220’s insistence we follow RFC procedures.

Rules are rules.

jal and jman silenced for continuing to troll/rehash old grudges after I’d asked them to knock it off.

Please note that while jal’s trolling was worse, I’m giving jman a bit less leeway here since he changed his avatar back to specifically troll jal, so in my view, any time he’s arguing with jal, it already starts as de facto needling due to the avatar.


Jal gets 2 weeks off for trolling, insults and lifetime achievement.


jman gets 3 days for trolling in the Covid thread (joining an existing fight to make non-substantive personal attacks). Also while he did change his avatar, I’m pretty sure the new one is also intended to troll, so I’m going to continue treating his posting the same way as I mentioned three days ago.


Nuked a new fake alt that I’m pretty sure picked a user name to troll a specific user.

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Yuv silenced until next week for trolling and personal attacks across multiple threads.

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Victoar, CN, and Yuv silenced for one day for continuing the personal bickering/trolling in the Covid thread after I’d warned everyone to knock it off.

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Churchill is done until August for a really bad personal attack and lifetime achievement.


Victor silenced until Monday for continued trolling and personal attacks.

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Goofy also gets a day for the puppy killer comments.

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Victor done for 2 weeks for yet another round of personal attacks and trolling despite literally dozens of warnings.

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Silenced thebayareabeast for a few days as a few people reported him as a serial scammer. Kind of punting with this since I have no familiarity with him and his prior sins, so figure I’d see what people want to do.


OhBoy permanently banned for having no constructive purpose to their actions other than creating dissent within the community.


Banned Churchill and jalfrezi until July 1, 2032. Silenced jalreading