Relocation in light of SCOTUS decisions

Read through the past 2 days of this thread. 1) Anybody suggesting Albany has clearly never been to Albany. 2) There doesn’t seem to be nearly enough appreciation for how fucked the climate is and how dystopian the red states are becoming. The entire Southwest and Austin in particular are terrible choices. 3) Ruling out Denver because of snow is ridiculous. The front range is gorgeous in the winter. It’s always sunny and it rarely gets very cold.


You guys act like this 100-mile range is something the government will honor in good faith as if they won’t change it to 300 miles on a whim. It’s like those old TV shows where dudes can cross the county line and the sheriff has to stop pursuing them, that’s not how things will play out in a police state.


So is your insinuation that all of Brazil is favelas, or just that my girlfriend comes from the favelas?

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Nah, my take is more just that if they can fuck with like 70% or more of the people they want to fuck with without crossing the line, they’ll probably stick to that for a while out of sheer ease and laziness.

But The Egg!

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Nah, they’ll drive 25 miles past the imaginary line and lie about it. Or get some other federal agency to nab you. You’re not going to be safe anywhere in the US if they actually want to get you.

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This is pretty ignorant and racist. Do you understand that Brazil is a diverse country with a population of 212 million people?

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I lived in Albany for four years. It gets pretty cooooooold.

Sure but I don’t think they’re going to actually want to get me/her, at least not at the beginning of this. I think they’re going to want to fuck with a bunch of people and make their lives as miserable as possible to discourage immigration. Given that the way both of our careers align, we can choose to maximize earnings for 2-3 years and get set up pretty nicely for life, then bail, trying to ride it out long enough to do that while preserving our ability to bail before it gets to the “actually want to get everyone” phase is pretty key.

That’s exactly why I voted thought experiment.

Can you move to Brazil? Bolsinaro might be gone soon.

I’ll preface this by saying that I don’t know a lot about Brazil.

As someone who really wants to GTFO, I’d stay here over going to Brazil.

The problem with the US is not Trump per se, it’s that 40%+ think Trump is awesome. The same is true for Brazil. Bolsanaro may go away, but the problem is a country that would elect him in the first place.

So as far as I’m concerned, it’s kind of a wash, and I might as well go with the devil I know.

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It’s theoretically possible, pending the outcome of the election there, but financially I’m not sure how much sense it would make. Climate is also an issue.

Yeah, that’s one side of the argument, which I mostly agree with. I do think Brazil actually has a better political/electoral system. I’m not sure it’s as strong as the US’s in structural integrity (which is saying something, of course), but they have compulsory voting which is better than our system. Their elections also seem to run more smoothly, assuming they can fade outright rigging in this next one.

It really comes down to us having like 3-4 options on the table and evaluating them based on family, social life, political stability/safety, economics, and climate.

I know this went south because of how you two feel about each other, but if you’re seriously considering leaving the country, this does seem like one of the best options.


It is one of the best options, which is why I’ve posted about it before, which he knows because he basically stalks me on here and replied to that before with some trolling then as well.

He’s just trolling me here with the EZ game and favelas comments.


If you want to move abroad because you are seeking adventure and because you think that your children will be better people and have better lives if they join you in this adventure - that is awesome. However, I wouldn’t delude yourselves into thinking that they are going to be safer somewhere like Mexico, Brazil or Thailand. For sure, these places are going to be more dangerous than living in the land of parking lots.


Strongly agree with that. Everywhere I’m considering moving has a Manhattan-level COL or close.

It’s not a topic where people seem to think very rationally, but it’s also something almost nobody ever does. So overreactions leading to unrealistic fantasies seems kinda harmless.

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Second time today that a poster has thrown in a completely superfluous “basically.”

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It just rolls off the tongue, or I guess fingertips in this case.

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