Questions about 6ix's ban

I’m not really understanding your aversion to such a simple back-and-forth. Yes, I gathered you think it fell under the umbrella of something like an obvious personal attack. I obviously think it obviously didn’t.

(I mean… there’s not even a consensus about what “‘personal’ attack” even means, like, is it ‘attacking the poster and not the argument’ or is it attacking the poster using personal and unrelated details about their life? I thought it was the latter, one of our new mods thinks it’s the latter, but I’ve been told it’s the former.)

We could add a part in the middle of the question to make it make more sense:

Like this it’s easier to see how replying “because it obviously broke one of the seemingly arbitrary rules” isn’t terribly helpful.

Considering you chose not answering the other two questions, it would’ve been more thematic to just ignore this one as well, if that was the choice you’re making.

In light of somehow confusing me for somebody else, do you want to change any of your answers thus far?

This was puzzling until I remembered that d2_e4 received an incredibly long ban. Ideally I think we should operate with a better framework than “well, they both have a number in their name” when trying to tell posters apart.

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," he loftily indicated by some phrase.


Actually let’s just put a pin in that and make this impersonal and thus potentially helpful. Can we clarify the part in parenthesis?


welcome back, goofball :heart:

what’s new?


The personal is political. All personal attacks are simultaneous political attacks.

And vice versa, apparently. Expanding Goeb’s username as 6ix did lightly poked fun at Goeb’s stated fondness for Forum Authoritarianism. 6 wasn’t calling Goebs a Nazi, he was calling him a Forum Nazi.

You all are gonna need to take it up the chain of command and see how many words I’m allowed to type in the rectangle. I don’t want to max out too fast.

alrighty then

ok. that’s settled. happy posting, everyone!

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So the initial “personal attack” was actually just naming the inspiration for Goebs’ screen name?

And the ban was a week rather than a day because of some mistaken accounting?

Can we at least get a “my bad”? lol




I have mostly been trying to ignore all of the drama, but would like clarification on this: Six–about whom there were talks of modding–was banned for changing a users screenname without their request/permission? This is accurate?

He jokingly referred to another poster by the name of a Nazi that their screen name was actually derived from. He was banned for a week when his previous had only been a day.

This on the back of another poster (ahem) being banned for a week for “naked racism” that the mod had to revoke when a poll was put up that overwhelmingly showed how false it was.

No apologies given in either case.

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Plus another poster eating a week-long ban for reasons that (eventually) pared down to Real Bad Swears and calling someone a hypocrite.
monocle pop


So he did not change the user name?
I really just want to make sure I understand this.

Lol I think I misunderstood “changed” in an earlier message.

He called goebs80 ‘goebbels80’, like just typed that in a post.

Who uses Goebbels as the basis for a screenname? I’d be genuinely curious to know the backstory behind that decision.

One of these things is not like the others. Y’all are too much!

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I had already pm’d that to muk.