Questions about 6ix's ban

If he posts a lot in a thread about him it isn’t spam or a nuisance.


Yes, he should start an AMA thread and go nuts. I support this.

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That’s fine. I mean, it’s obviously ridiculous for a number of reasons and we both know it, but it’s also fine, because that wasn’t really the spirit of the question.

I asked you how it was over the line. I can tell you that elephants are “big” because they’re the largest land-dwelling mammal, and can tell you their average weight and dimensions, without divulging where my cutoff line for “big” precisely is.

None of these were complicated or trick questions. I changed Goebs80’s name to “Goebbels80”. The question was simply, why did this receive a week-long (edit: six days) ban?

I didn’t ask if you found it interesting, I asked something else. It wasn’t a bad post, and I wasn’t talking about some nebulous and abstract platonic ideal of a post-that-needs-editing. I asked you specifically about that specific post.

There was one word in the post, and it’s been demonstrated that it did not even need to be censored. Again, “Goebbels80”, one word among hundreds not pertaining to that word. So, why not change that one word, or, better yet, leave the post up and have it follow the established flagged post protocol? The latter would obviously be the easiest from a work perspective, right?

This thread was made to ask two straightforward questions. When you neglected to answer them, what transpired was exactly what you’re describing here, a Hostile Thread Takeover by questionable actors. Which, fine, it’s welcomed and I think people should have a right to share their thoughts.

So, gibberish aside, we’re actually getting somewhere. For example, during the hostile takeover, Clovis lied about a PM exchange with me, which a number of people repeated as truth. AOFrantic also displayed his complicated relationship with objective reality. And that’s just two things in the cornucopia.

It seems like you’re actually saying that I don’t have a right to also type words into the rectangle and share my thoughts, as replies to all this. Which, also fine, tell me there’s a clear double standard based on your arbitary whims and let me make my choice. That’s the easiest and most respectful way to proceed, right?


To make sure this isn’t overlooked, because it’s by far the weirdest thing in this whole entire affair:

This ban was six days and the one before was one day. There were no bans before that. It seems like you’re confused about the basic plot points. Do you actually have me confused with a different poster?

That actually would explain a whole lot.


Without reading the posts you can’t be certain of this. On 22 Wil used to ruin threads by obsessively responding to every post that mentioned him regardless of what the mention was.

In wookie’s defense I have a hard time keeping all the recent bannings straight too.


Because it was an obvious personal attack.

Looks like this was my mistake. My recollection at the time was that you’d eaten a ban for about as much or more recently. That doesn’t line up with the log, so it should have been shorter.

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But it’s been well worth it because of all the happy posters now.


That excess time should be applied to 6ix’s next ban.

I would like to hear more about this. @clovis8 told the forum that you “literally” said something in PM which you’ve told me that you not only didn’t literally say, but that you also did not imply in any way in the PM. Seems pretty bad if true, especially since it was subsequently repeated as truth by other users.




Please don’t @ me in this bullshit anymore. I am no longer engaging in this pointless, endless, and self-destructive nonsense.

Leave me out of it. The entire ATF forum should be closed for good.

For the record, I have no idea what this is about, nor do I frankly care at all.

It’s a little late to leave you out of it if you lied (or unintentionally) misrepresented a PM while shitting all over someone before you decided you didn’t care.


Jbro, the time for discussion has passed


Doesn’t care, but has more posts than any moderator in the thread:

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lol dudes are salivating in here


Everyone makes mistakes, but I did ask why the ban was so long 7 days ago.


I missed this detail that 6ix pointed out earlier, but Goebs’ nickname is literally based on Goebbels. It was a joke to be sure, but Goebs is a shortening of Goebbels. It’s derived from it. That’s how he chose the screen name. Seems much less of a bannable offense in that context.


Am I alone in having always sort of thought that? I’ve always pronounced his nick “Göbs” rather than rhyming with robes or “Go bee ess” - have other people not been?

Disappointing the ban wasn’t described as Naked Naziing.