Questions about 6ix's ban

Yeah one should have said it was derived from a name that was based on the name of a Nazi.

Sorry, I can’t read PMs that I’m not invited to.


Oooh micro getting in on the action now, too!

Was my post factually incorrect?

Why would I invite you to a PM?

Same reason you would have for telling me you PMd muk.


Did you not understand the SNL sketch and just think Goebbels was a funny sounding name?

This post should not be lost in the mix. Seems like El Sapo could not imagine there would be a week ban here and, searching for a reasonable justification, thought maybe 6ix literally changed Goeb’s screen name.


+1, it may not be clear to people how absurdly ban-happy this place has gotten and so quickly.

For the record, it absolutely is.

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I am soaking wet here from the condescension!

I had one post in this thread before today, and it was eight days ago. If you guys get your kicks by calling someone a Nazi, have at it :+1:

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You’re not a Nazi. You were an idiot who had idiot friends (were these your fraternity brothers?) who thought the joke based on Goebbels was hilarious and you’ve stuck with it ever since.


I don’t know if this is a relatable story but I have a good friend who is German and grew up in Germany all the way through high school.

We were all drinking at a bar and we were all engaging in friendly banter. I said “hail Hitler” and raised my hand in the air trying to be funny. He got really serious and said that is not something to joke around about and never to do that again.

It has still stuck with me to this day. I was young and arrogant but still took what he said to heart and never tried to joke that way again.

Not saying this is the same thing but it may be something to think about.