Presidential Debate Thread

She should be on trial for elder abuse

I understand what an executive order. My understanding is irrelevant to this question. It’s what other people think Biden should have done. If someone wanted Biden to issue an executive order on bump stocks , what if Kamala Harris did it.

And if it makes you feel better, make it anything that a president can do unilaterally without going through Congress. (Well, until the Supreme Court finds a way to invalidate it.). If Kamala Harris does all those things you think Biden should have done unilaterally, what happens?

Sexist maybe, but Obama was elected twice, so race is no longer an absolute road block. Weirdo? definitely. Can she win? No way. But mostly because she’s just not it.

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People used to seem to understand that the President can work with Congress and manipulate Congress. Wait, that’s only when a Republican is in office

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Did anyone else initially think this was gonna be a pic of Kim Jong Un? I guess you’d have to be slowly scrolling down like I was.



Discussing his future… Sure thing. They’re not actually doing that of course. Leak to make Biden look like A Serious Man and not a huge narsissist imo.

Interesting twitter account, man

I guess I missed this during the debate.

When was the last time you shat your pants

  • Within 1 year
  • Within 2 years
  • Within 5 years
  • Within 10 years
  • Within 20 years
  • Within 30 years
  • Liar
0 voters

Former Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, who served alongside Biden in the Senate for decades, sought to set the tone in a pointed letter he dashed off to friends after the debate.

“All incumbent Democratic Senators should write to Biden asking him to release his delegates and step aside so the convention can choose a new candidate,” Harkin wrote in the letter, a copy of which was obtained by CNN. “A couple of Governors may need to do the same.”

A second longtime adviser said the only way Biden would even consider stepping aside — a move that is still very much an open question — is if he was presented serious data showing that he would not only likely lose his reelection bid, but also endanger down-ballot candidates in House, Senate and competitive local races across the country.

Lol, the poll shows Whitmer and Booker down 2 instead of down 3 like Biden!

Will Biden be the 2024 Democratic candidate?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
0 voters
Will Biden resign the presidency before the end of his term?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
0 voters

Breaking news

The president is expected to discuss things with his family at Camp David


I’m not sure why anyone listens to favreau, dude is a total moron, you’d probably get better insights from the white house plumber

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Well he did Swingers


hahahah I would 100% rather hear THAT favreau’s opinions on this shit


Ezra Klein just did a 15 min podcast nailing why Biden has to go and why the devs have to do it.

Just have the devs nerf aging