Presidential Debate Thread

Likely derail. But in actually curious. Whats the evidence on surgery specifically? My understanding is that hormones and hormone blockers are the more recommended approach for teens?

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Lol if you think this is purely a policy debate.

That’s the problem. It should be

The problem is that it’s unrealistic that it would be.

  1. Williamson
  2. biden
  3. Yang
  4. RFK Jr
  5. Bleach
  6. Pete

I think Trump will not have people like Mike Pence. His cabinet will be specifically selected to go along with the coup. He will spend 4 years putting loyalists into key roles in military and anywhere else. He can’t directly appoint people to state Secretary of State roles but he can appoint exert political influence over 4 years. I think this will be the main lesson he learned from the first term.


Fair. I’d not actually seen anyone get specific like this. Not sure I buy it, but I understand it

Trump ain’t capable of learning shit. But his handlers did learn this. And other stuff, like how to handle him better.

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For instance, I think there’s a big gap between “I think I actually won the election because I’m moronic and surrounded by yes men” versus “I am running for a third term, or just suspending the 2028 election”

I agree, and I think that whatever is left of the machinery of government would oppose him trying to do this. I also really think that such efforts will be successful and he won’t be able to go past 2028.

If anyone wants to play the SSC card on me for that take, I guess I understand.

As much as I think some of you are being dumb in this thread, I want you to know I love you all no matter how harsh I am because at least you’re not this dumb:

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It will never happen, but imagine Biden resigns and Kamala Harris just starts reeling off all the executive orders that people here thought Biden should have done to excite his base. Can she win?

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Somebody called Jon on the phone, lmao

She can’t win because America is sexist and racist. And also because she’s kind of a weirdo.


Name some

The question is different for each poster based on whatever executive orders they individually think Biden should have done.

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Yeah I think you’re just mistaken about executive orders mostly. Like you think that’s the only thing a President can do, and therefore the thing people wanted him to do must be executive orders