‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

We’ve actually been making it much easier for this to happen again.


“Because fuck you, that’s why.”






I mean in this instance, the law was written poorly enough that no calvinball was needed. It’s just pretty cut and dry technicality law shit

Will biden do anything to salvage Trump’s ban on bump stocks? Of course not.

SCOTUS has spoken. No new executive order on the subject, no demanding Congress write a better version of the law, no comment

We know thoughts and prayers are not enough. I call on Congress to ban bump stocks, pass an assault weapon ban, and take additional action to save lives – send me a bill and I will sign it immediately.

Nobody nationally seemed to care about this today

Guy did shoot 2 cops though. But they’re not among the 3 dead,


White guy who apparently doesn’t live in the county goes to shoot up black communities grocery store.

Probably just “wanted to start a race war”.

“When are we going to talk about mental health?”

enhanced background checks under the new law have stopped roughly 800 sales of firearms to people under age 21

$85 million in funding has been awarded to 125 school districts across 18 states to help identify students who need mental health care and help them access it.

issued new rules that mean tens of thousands more firearms dealers across the United States will have to run background checks on buyers at gun shows or other places outside brick-and-mortar stores.

funded nearly 80 organizations nationwide using $250 million from the legislation and other appropriations to expand community violence intervention initiatives

Feels so much safer out here, thanks Joe. No mindless killing on your watch. No sir ree.

seems like 500 people trump will probably pardon on day 1

it is safer though

Compared to the first five months of 2023, murders this year have dropped more than 40% in cities including New Orleans, Seattle, Boston, Baltimore, and Philadelphia , according to the research firm AH Datalytics, which analyzes crime figures reported by law enforcement agencies across the nation.

well sure if you believe the media

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Except Hunter

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They’ll be the first Kingsguard in the Trump theocracy.

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that article was actually using murder rate - 3, which isn’t seasonally adjusted and doesn’t include cops who give up looking for the murderer

if you use MR-2 data it paints a much grimmer picture but that doesn’t fit the official narrative so it doesn’t get reported.

If the comparison is over the same time frame(first five months), why would it need to be seasonally adjusted?